Agit Prop profile picture

Agit Prop

Reading certain books to look Intelligent...

About Me

My AudioScrobbler

My Livejounal

I Have Theme Music, its no joke foo'
Also Books make me retarded, i enter a bookshop and boom there goes my vocabulary

I could fill my tub with confidence and still soak in doubt.

Shyness is nice, but shyness can stop you doing all the things in life you'd like to.

My Interests

Going out to clubs, trying and i mean TRYING to sing,
contemplating stuff,
computor geekery
i love to run and jog
Ignoring people
Reading books in a hot bath
Reading in bed
Waking up on a saturday and going back to sleep
Singing along to Smiths etc
cooking anything i want
Talking to anyone
Watching crazy people on London Transport
eating strange mixtures from the fridge
wearing more then one pair of socks at a time
Salted popcorn
those funny soups that come in packets
meeting new people
playing retro Snes games
Arc Bar in Angel
free food
Japanese stuff
The Green Wing
Drinking milk in the mornings
Sexy Underwear {not me wearing it Foo'
Chinese food
Sushi and Sashimi
Singing when drinking
the colours Red Black and Yellow
Martial Arts Films {especially the ones with bad dubbing
Being late
Learning new and intersting things
Climbing random stuff, like trees or walls
winning at stuff
wandering aimlessly
beans on toast
going to the pub
Smokes and Black Books
Night-time driving

I'd like to meet:

I Have no Social Skills so i wouldn't expect much.

but only message me if you know me or have met me because because unless you're a real cracker of a person, i just don't have the effort to socialise. oh and no one who calls themselves cunts because they are usually quite dull with a biscuit habit.

No one really reads this anyways do they?


In today's ever changing music scene who can say what is "hot and what is Not"? well i can't and neither can you because you're all fickle bastards. But i do like the Smiths, Belle and Sebastian, Kanye West, 80's Disco and beautiful Shoegazing, with a dash of Indie pop, {if it were any more pretencious it would be spray painting my jeans on.}


Kung Fu and B movie horror films, Dark City, Lord of the Rings, The Usual Suspects, Hellboy, Lord of War, 1984 and strange late night movies. also the Nightmare before Christmas!


I watch far too much television


A wide collection of literature from the Heat Magazine to Paradise Lost also i like to read fantasy and japanese novels and poetry. Devloped a likening to the Hungry Caterpillar and its phallic symbolism. oh and Anything Will Self writes is pure gold.
I do an English Degree so books do take up a huge part of my life, which is good. Microserfs
Cock and Bull
Enduring Love
First Love Last Rites
oh this is complete bollocks, i love to read good books, that is all.


We don't need another hero, except maybe Superman.