not much to the end: who cares anyway??..if really interested in what I..m doing go ahead and ask me...I don..t like sitcoms..
Musik, Snuffbox, FC St. Pauli, FingerSkateboarding, Altes
Lager Sankt Pauli
I think I met already everyone who..s worth being met.If I..m welcome.
A lot of (SxE)Hardcore (and Punkrock) stuff like Blacklisted, Casey Jones, Allegiance, Another Breath, Evergreen Terrace and so on
Dead End=), Dumb and Dumberer, several B- and Thrash-Movies, Monthy Python stuff...
That..s the way we like it!
sucks!! I prefer watching things like this:
The Swarm; "Der Widersacher"; vegan cookbooks
My friends!!