WELl i LOve BeiNg in Da COmpUteR N i Love DaNcINg And SIngiIng. I lOVe GOIng TO thE MalL n TO parTy's or TO thE ClubS.
OmG i WoULD LoVe TO meEt DADDY YANKEE oMG he is sO FIne loL. ALso i Wanna MeEt UsHer, LudA, DoN OmAR, OmaRiOn, BOw WOw, T.I, CiaRa, NellY, DeStinY CHIld, MIke JOnEs, JlO, KElLy CLaRKsoN, BrIan McknigHT, PaRis HIltoN, CHad, hIllAry, LIndsAY LOhAN, peOPle FrOM LaGuNA BeAcH,T PaIn, AVOn, MIssy EllIOt, PhareLl, GweN StePhanie, GInuWINe, ChriS BroWN, BOne thUgZ,FabuLos,AshAnti, FaT JoE, TWeEt,BrAd Pit,liL RoMeo,MaRy J BligE, TonI BraXton, LauRyn HilL,EvAnesSecEs,CamEroN DiaZ,ChRisTina AguLiAra, pReTtyRiicky, InDIa, MarC AnthOny, SnoOp,BoBBy ValitInO, JesSica SImpSon, Ashlee SImpson, puSsyCat DolLz. n ManY moRE LOL
About Me
Name HuGuEtTe
Nickname SLut LOL J/p
Birthday SePtemBer 18
Age 15
Height 5.1
Hair Color BrOwN
Eye Color BrOwN
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend nO
Kissed someone who was just your friend Yes
Been rejected nO
Been in love y3s
Used someone SoMetimE lol
Cheated on someone yEs
Been cheated on yEs
Done something you regret No
Do you ...
Color your hair nO
Have tattos nO
If so how many nOne
Have any peircings nO
If so how many nOne
Have a bf/gf yEs B/f 9.19.05
Like thunderstorms nO
Ever get off the damn computer nO lol
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime NO
Considered being a hooker NO
Coneidered being a pimp NO
Split personalities noPe
Obsessions The Color pinK, TweeTy,gooFy
Panic ThUndEr StoRm, ScAry mOviE, FrOgs
Anxiety nAw
Depression/Considered suicid SoMetimE I Get DepPResSed
Right now..
Current clothes a SHirt n Shorts
Current mood HaPpy
Current hair PickEd UP in a PonY tAiL
Current music LAffY tAffy
Current annoyance SchOoL
Current perfume/cologne CurVe
Current thing you should be doing ClEaning Ma RoOm
Current crush alReady HavE mA CrUsh
Drink lol I havE alot of FavOritE dRinks
Color PinK/ BLue/YelLOW
Candy i LOve ALl TYPe 0f canDY esPeciallY BLoW pOps
Tv Show ReAl RoAd
Movie FrIday AFtEr NeXt
Place CluBs
Person to talk to Ma BABE
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King BotH
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend PeRfEcT LoVeR
Root Beer or Dr Pepper Dr PEPpER
Sunshine or Rain SunShinE
Spring or Fall SpRinG
Winter or Summer BOth
Vanilla or Chocolate CHocOlaTe
Snowboarding or Sking BotH
Lights on or Off i lOve DA ligHts Off lol
Are you...
Understanding YEs
Open Minded YES
Bad Tempered If u Get in ma BAD SIde
Happy aLwayZ
Attractive YES, if U SO
Bored Easily No
Sad SOmetIme wEN i GEt DepRESSEd
Unique YeS
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy NiCE PeRsonalITy n a NIce BOdy
Eyes GrEen
Hair color BroWN or BlaCK
Long or short hair SHOrt
Hieght 5.7
Body Type SKinnY n hAs A SExy 6 PAk
Personality FunNy, SwEet, Dat ComfoRtable To himsElf, Dat He AInt BOring, n dat coUld SatifiEd me
How would you describe yourself FunNy, NiCe,COol, PrEttY, LoVeS TalkIng
Do you have any Pets? YEs a DOg Name TiTi
Have any syblings? Two SIstEr
What do you want to be when you grow up? IDK BUt i WOUld LOVe to be a SIngeR
Do you wanna get married and have kids? YEs i woulD loVe to HAVe a GReAt FamiLY
What is your best physical Trait? IDk
What is the best thing about your personality? I AM A GREAT PERSON TO BE WIT N LOVES LAUGHING LISTEN TO PEOPLE
What words do you overuse LIl nIgga lol
Whats the most annoying thing about you SOme TIME I COUld BE REALLy BITCHy
End this survey with a quote never looking back ortoo far infront of me. thepresent is a gift and i just want to be
I lOvE AnYtyPe oF musiC. i liSteN SLoW JaMz, HiP hoP, RaP, LatiN MUsIc, N aLsO ReGgEaTon. BUt AlSo moSt Of thE TimE Old SOngs n i OnlY knOw TwO COunTry SOnGs. LoL
Ashanti - Baby
Provided by VideoCodes4U.com
WElL i LoVe WaTchIng moVIes LikE ScARy, ComedY, DrAma, ActiON. My FavOritE mOvie iS FRIDAY, CInDeralla StoRy, LOve in BaSketBalL,NoteBoOk,SaW 1 n 2, N moRe
I LoVe WaTchINg T.v LIke DisnEy Lol or NiCaloDion. MtV. COmedY CEntraL Is tHe SHIt n ALso BET.
WeLl i ReAlLy DOn't Like REadINg thAt mUch but i thINK HaRRy PotTeR is a VEry INtEresTIng BOok.
My hErOeS aRe mY mOm n Ma SiSteR CuZ tHeY alWaYz beEn tHeRe 4 Me!!!