ZOY WINTERSTEIN profile picture


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About Me

1984-89 intensive occupation with the history of Jazz - interest in Avantgarde-Music (Cage, Stockhausen...) and music of Asia and Africa. Since 1990 founding of various ensembles based on free improvisation - playing piano, saxophones, bass-clarinet... - writing of onomatopoeia, songs and other texts - conception and performance of multimedial art-performances in collaboration with fine artists - experimental music for radio-broadcasts/soundtracks. 1995-01 studying music (classical piano with diploma). Since 1996 private electronic studio called pedant bunker. - performing DJ / live-electronic / multimedia.since 1990 production and releases of a broad range of electronic and electro-acoustic music.this produced music ranges between many different styles like minimal- progressive techno, clicks and cuts, tape-music, musique concrete, ambient, experimental music, independent, avantgarde, industrial, minimal-house, electro, noise, free-jazz, new wave and no wave....

My Interests


Member Since: 5/24/2007
Band Website: zoywinterstein.com
Band Members:
Influences:Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Sun Ra, Johann Sebastian Bach, Alexander Scriabine, Arnold Schönberg, Edgar Varese, Pierre Henry, Yannis Xenakis, Harry Partch, György Ligeti, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Pharoah Sanders, Ornette Coleman, Charles Mingus, Albert Ayler, Don Cherry, Eric Dolphy, Roscoe Mitchell, Bird, Chet Baker, Can, Cabaret Voltaire, Captain Beefheart, Kraftwerk, Beatles, David Bowie, The Amm, Chris&Cosey, Robert Görl, Brian Eno, Sonic Youth, Velvet Underground, Human League, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Isaac Hayes, Aphex Twin, Robert Hood, Cristian Vogel, Richie Hawtin, Thomas Brinkmann, Anton Webern, Erik Satie, Charles Ives, Francois Bayle, Cecil Taylor, Steve Reich, Jackie Mc Lean, Jay Denham, Jeff Mills, Wolfgang Voigt, Depeche Mode, Max Roach, Archie Shepp, Wayne Shorter, Autechre, Thelonious Monk, Lennie Tristano, Andrew Hill, Anthony Braxton, Derek Bailey, Peter Brötzmann, Elliott Sharp, Tony Williams, Sam Rivers, David Tudor, Merce Cunningham, Mauricio Kagel, Luc Ferrari, Glenn Gould, Alban Berg, Drexicya, Ravi Shankar, to be continued..............................................visua l artists: Joseph Beuys, Joseph Albers, Gerhard Richter, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol, Barnett Newman, Paul Klee, Sigmar Polke, Nam June Paik, Rebecca Horn, Matthew Barney, Michelangelo, Kurt Schwitters, Max Ernst, Christian Schad, Man Ray, Vermeer, Albrecht Dürer, Brueghel, Hieronymus Bosch, David Hockney, Bruce Nauman, Martin Kippenberger, Egon Schiele, Wolf Vostell, Yves Klein to be continued.............
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie