sports, girls, movies, anything but school..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Full Name: Brian Para
Nickname:: Cubby
Birthday:: 8/7/89
Heritige:: american
Siblings:: 2 brashas
Height:: 5'10''
Relationship Status:: single
Do You Look Like a Celeb?: some say the white rudy gay
Hair Color:: black
Eye Color:: hazel
Shoe Size:: 13
Ring Size::
What time did you wake up this morning?: 8
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Color:: orange
Favorite Movie:: Goldmember
Favorite TV Show:: Fresh Prince
Favorite Day of the Week:: Friday
Favorite Season:: summer
Favorite Holiday:: christmas
Favorite Memory:: my fam.
Summer or Winter:: summer
Cellphone or Ipod:: cell
Ocean or Pool:: ocean
Flowers or Candy:: candy
Chocolate or Vanilla:: chocolate
TV or Movie:: tv
Bracelet or Necklace::
Favorite Singer/band:: Young Buck
Soda or Juice?: soda
Safe or Sorry?: sorry
How Many Languages Do You Speak?: 2
What Do You hate?: wannabees
What Do You Love?: sports,girls
What do you fear?: nothing
Do You Like Rainy Days?: wet t-shirt parties...of course
What's Your favorite kind of cheese?: american
What is annoying?: tall people
How many times have you been to Disneyland?: 1
Did you Have an Imaginery Friend Growing Up?: no
Have you ever Danced in a public place?: yea
Have you ever Smiled for no reason?: yea
Laughed so hard you cried?: yea
Peed in your pants after age 8?: not tht i remember
Written a song?: no
Sang to someone for no reason?: ya
Performed on a stage?: ya
Talked to someone you don't know?: ya
Song you've been singing?: Buck the World
Favorite Flavor of gum?: grape
What kind of Shoes are you wearing?: melo 5.5
Can You Write with both hands?: kinda but it blows bad
Can You Whistle?: a little
Can You Blow a bubble?: ya
Can You Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Can You Dance?: ya
Can You Impersonate someone?: ya
Have you Sung unfront of an audience?: ya
Have you ever eaten shark?: no
Have you ever been excited?: ya
Have you ever Won a Competition: ya
Any Peircings?: no
Any Tatoos?: not yet
Do You Sing?: ya
Mexican or Chinese Food?: chinese
Cherry or Strawberry:: strawberry
Sweet or Sour:: sour
Hugs or Kisses:: kisses
Snuggling or Cuddling:: cuddling
Bestbuy or Circuitcity:: who cares
Single or Group Dates:: dont matter
Have you ever Been in Love?: nah
Have you ever Eaten Sushi?: hell no
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: no
Are you Scared of Clowns?: no
What are you wearing?: baseball stuff
What kind of computer do you use?: dell
Shower, morning or night?: night
Have you ever won a trophy?: ya
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: no
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: millionaire
Where would you like to go right now?: Florida
What do you think about most?: not much
Own a Ipod?: ya
Do you Smoke?: no
Do you Drink?: no
Do you Swear?: maybe
What is your Favorite thing to do?: play sports
Do you Play an Instrument?: no
Coffee or Capuchino?: neither
Your Favorite Place in the World:: the cuse
Do you Like this Survey?: no
Favorite Person in Sports or Favorite Team?: Jimmy Rollins
Favorite Nail Polish Color?: screw you
Favorite Person In the World?: me
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anybody thats famous, models.....all thatSportscenter - "Betrayal"
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50 cent, young buck, lloyd banks, eminem, proof, tony yayo, tupac, biggie and others
4 brothers,glory road,annapolis,the longest yard,all adam sandler movies, anchorman,wedding crasher.......are a few
anything cept' educational t.v.
anyone of my older family members....josh pace(even tho he dont play no more)...David ortiz....pokey reese.....jimmy rollins....most sport players