surfin' the net, watchin' animes, engagin' in 'intellectual' intercourse, doin' sweet nothings, day dreamin'.
I would like to meet people who are not judgemental..those who see through one's well being before criticizing...those who do not only look at the physical attributes but rather look at one's personality which is what really makes us individuals...those who try to know you first before ignoring you like some piece of shit...those who listen to what your heart says before they say something about you...those who know how to put themselves in your shoes to fully understand you...and most especially--People who are just being themselves...those who are just chillin' out and loves life even though it sucks most of the time.
Pop Rock, R and B
Sci-Fi Futuristic, Suspense thriller/horror
Naruto, Fear Factor, Survivor Series, Amazing Race
Harry Potter Series, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demon, Deception Point, Anne Rice Series, and LOTR
Uchiah Sasuke