amy brown, angels, aroma therapy, art, arts and crafts, babies, baking, bbw, beaches, beavis & butthead, bisexuality, brian froud, chakras, child birth, clockwork orange, coffee, cooking, dieting, disneyland, empire records, faeries, garbage, gir, girls, glamour, glamoury, glitter, godsmack, icp, inland empire, invader zim, kahlua, korn, labyrinth, lavender, leopard print, malls, mia tyler, motherhood, poe, pooh, pregnancy, punk, rain, rainbow brite, reading,redlands, rocky horror, san bernardino, sex, shock treatment, shopping, simpsons, smashing pumpkins, sponge bob square pants, tarot, the cure, thrift stores, tigger, tori amos, victorian era, vintage, voltaire, weight loss, writing,yucaipa,909,310....
all diffrent types of guys and girls.BBW's and lovers of BBW's, the openmineded,single patrents(since Im one myself),locals,fun people.
Dido - White Flag
Video provided by Videos For Myspace!!
Clockwork Orange,Rocky horror picture show(my mom got me liking that movie)Empire Records,Prisilla queen of the desert,Girl interupted....many more
Charmed,Gilmore Girls,Tru Calling.