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About Me

I am a 23 year old who has gotten to a point in my life to where I see that you can't take anything for granted. Ive had so many things go wrong for me over the last year and I am still here. Life doesn't stop because you are having trouble. Its too short to waste. I forgot about the little things in life that used to make me happy. Within the last few months I finally realized what that is. For the longest time I tried fitting in with people that don't have my best interests in mind. I have a few selected friends who do. Since I graduated high school all I have ever done is work. I worked as a logger for the last 4 years and it is something that i have become very good at. At this moment in time I own my own business. I figured, "why work for someone when you can own your own equipment and make 10 times as much." Made sense to me. I see a lot of people i know go to school for 4 years and not make half as much as i do.

Myspace Layouts at / Twighlight moon

My Interests

My interests include doing anything outdoors. I can't just sit around stoned all the time anymore wasting my life away. I love to mountain bike, hike, jump off cliffs, abalone dive, fish, hunt and my favorite thing to do is go skiing. I love the sport of MMA. Nothing better than seeing someone get kicked or kneed in the face and not get in trouble.Brokeback Mountain
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I listen to mostly new rock. chevelle, crossfade, breaking benjamin, cold. But nothing makes feel better than listing to slipknot or korn. "If you're 555 then im 666." if you don't get it you never will.


All of my friends in the military!!