My only real interests right now are learning more about the Bible and Jesus Christ, being with my wife Becca, playing guitar, and trying to get through school. I don't really have time for anything else. I own a total of five guitars. I have an old nylon string classical acoustic, a Dean steal string electric acoustic pictured here: a Hamer Explorer with EMG pick-ups: an Epiphone Les Paul with EMG Pickups: and a Cruiz strat style electric: I use a BOSS Heavy Metal distortion pedal, DOD Death Metal pedal, and a cry babby wha pedal. I run it all through my 100 watt Hughs&Kettner solid state amp and 4x12 cabnet.
Jesus Cliff Burton R.I.P. Jimi Hendrix R.I.P. Jaymz Hetfield Matt Groening The San Diego Chargers
I love classic rock and great metal bands such as MetallicA, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Black Label Society, Trivium, and Shadows Fall. But I'm getting into other bands like The Gorillaz, Demon Hunter, As I Lay Dying, Skillet, Project 86, Living Sacrifice, Switchfoot, Disciple, Mortification, Pillar, Red, Sinai Beach, Still Remains, War of Ages and Chevel.
I like comedies, especially old comedies like Animal House, 1941, Montey Python and the Search for the Holy Grail. I also like Tim Burton movies, Pixar movies, and pretty much anything with Christopher Walken.
The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, The Venture Brothers, Metalocalypse, and Law and Order. Best Commercial Ever!This is also really cool: So is this:
I have read the MYST trilogy, The Hobbit, Peace Like a River, Underboss, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Metallica: This Monster Lives, The Rule of Four, The Romanov Prophecy, Digital Fortress, Light Before Day, Maximum Ride, The Third Secret, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor, Make Love: The Bruce Campbell Way, Deception Point, The Kill Artist, The Historian, That's Not In My American History Book, the entire Chronicles of Narnia, The Pacage, Remembering Carly, and The Amber Room. I am currently reading The Confessor. I plan on reading The Last Templar next.
Jesus, and people like my parents who sacrifice everything and anything to make sure their children and family are taken care of.