Self-destructive rapper named RAPTURIOUS believes demonic entities are after him.
RAPTURIOUS written and directed by KAMAL AHMED.CAST:WILLIAM SMITH...Sheriff DEBBIE ROCHON...Sid BEN CURTIS...Specter from Hell KAMAL AHMED...Cab Driver JOHN BLOOM...Doctor STUART RUDIN...Preacher CINQUE LEE...Host LORI EASTSIDE...Casting lady THOMAS DANIEL...Demonic commanding officer KEVIN VAN HENTENRYCK...Agent ALEX CORRADO...Rapturious' lawyer JOE SUBA...Allen McGhee BRIAN ROGALSKI...Agent ROBERT OPPEL...Rapturious JAMIE GRECO...Tormented Prisoner of Hell AMIN JOSEPH...Sloop JASON HEDGES...Actor Auditioning HOYA GUERRA...Louie Savage SAM LISENCO...Casting Director 2 EMILY FITZGERALD...Actress Auditioning GLEN BAISLEY...Orderly RON RYAN...Superior AL BURGO...Mysterious man DENNY BESS...Marshall LUIGI SCORCIA...Cop TAMSIN ATKINSON...Tormented Prisoner in Hell 'YELLOWBIRD' LEONARD LETHRIDGE...Spiritual Indian FRDUAH BOATENG...Freddy Bop MIKE HURT...Casting Director 1 ALEX GREENE...Tormented Prisoner in Hell SAL ARGANO...Racist drunk at bar IAN DORIAN...Demonic Guard MEGAN KAIN...Actress Auditioning MARK D. SEVERINI...Movie Honcho JIM FLETCHER...Dead-Eye Pete ALEX TRUFEL...Demonic Guard ELISABETH STEPHAN...German girl JIM FLETCHER...Dead-Eye Pete KEN MAYO...Drug spot lookout GARY J. PALERMO...Movie Honcho SCOTT SCHERRATT...Deputy DIRK MARTIN...Bartender HENRY KWAN...Cop TONY MANGIA...Bartender LEANDRO POLANCO...Actor Auditioning
Rap and R&B.
Robert Oppel, who plays the title character RAPTURIOUS, won the Best Actor Award at the New York City Horror Film Festival in October 2006. This film was just picked up by ITN Distribution and will have a fall release 2007.
Movies: The Omen. Rosemary's Baby. 8 Mile.
The Holy Bible. The Satanic Bible.
Anti-Heros. Good vs. Evil.