Aaron profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

IQs of famous people: from IQ test.com I’m at the very bottom with the lowest score but I hold my own... Albert Einstein IQ Score 160... Bill Clinton IQ Score 137... Bill Gates IQ Score 160... George W. Bush IQ Score 125... Stephen Hawking IQ Score 160... Jodie Foster IQ Score 132... Ben Franklin IQ Score 160... Charles Darwin IQ Score 165... Blaise Pascal IQ Score 195... FDR IQ Score 147... Plato IQ Score 170... Mozart IQ Score 165... Johann Sebastian Bach IQ Score 165... Aaron IQ Score 119... Your Grade ** Higher Average ** Well done! Your performance on the test was above the population average which means that you have the ability to achieve success in life. Whatever you decide to do you have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a wide variety of ways. You are able to think critically and communicate very effectively and you also have the ability to handle most academic challenges. If you think of intelligence as an ability to adapt adequately in relatively new situations then you are heading in the right direction............my pictures are worth a thousand words.....guitar expos!!! I went to one this year, was there for only a day but saw every single guitar I wanted to buy could only afford one but didn't buy it those bastards, should've grabbed some pictures of Disney world but had little time had to get back to new Mexico for work the next day!!!!!! CHARITIES: "Big Brothers of new Mexico" "Make a wish" I am working towards my Doctorate in musical arts, and then it's off to guitar and amp construction. I am shy and quiet at first, but I warm up. I don't do drugs; I only drink during thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinner and if my girl wants to chill and have me drink with her. I would love to be every one's Designated Driver. I’ve been playing guitar for 12 years now, I play(Guitar,Bass,Harmonica,Piano,Drums,Recorder and lap guitar) I’ve been writing lyrics/music most of my life, I have over 100 songs down so far. My blogs are a sample of what I write about, though I also write uplifting/everyday music. I help others more than myself, I love kids and have the problem of spoiling them. I am a dog person and there is nothing better than wrestling with a big dog in the back yard! I enjoy just chilling and staring at the stars. I have a wonderful job, family and friends. I enjoy a good book, movie and restaurant. I learn from my mistakes and am always working towards a better me. I can be a bit of a bad A$$ sometimes but I don't cause trouble. I'm 6' 5" tall and I try my best to take care of my body, mind and spirit...I’ve been to three countries, 17 states, two oceans, 8 lakes, arrested once, no moving violations, have smashed two guitars on stage, have sold two of my songs. I only have one tattoo, no piercings, and don't like to fight, but I can hold my own ............................................................ ........................Please give me the strength I need to live... Bear with me Amen We each walk the path, that we've chosen I'm ready to meet him We're I'm living ain't right Black hate white White hate black It's right back To the same fight They got us suspecting a war But the real war is to follow the law of the lord Lord, you left me stranded And I don't know why Told me to live my life Now I'm ready to die Ready to fly I cry, but I shed no tears You told me you would dead those fears, it's been years Snakes still coming at me Just missing Sometimes I think all you doing me is just listen I thought that I was special That’s what you told me Hold me Stop acting like you don't know me What'd I do so bad that it sent you away from me? Not only sent you away, but made you stay away from me (My child I'm here, as I've always been, it was you who went away, And now are back again, what did I say?) Follow your word, and be true (What did you do?) Well: what I wanted to do... (What have you seen?) Darkness and hell at a glance (What do you want?) All I want is another chance (Just because you went away, my doors are not locked, wanna come back home, all you gotta do is knock) Ya see, I left home a boy, I returned as a man Full grown, and I'm still not able to stand (I gave you a hand) Well...but I was looking the wrong way Figured out the plan, then I started to pray And that prayer, took me from here to over there Back to over here Now they got me like where? Do I belong? Do I fit in? Things on my mind, where do I begin? It's easier to sin, but it hurts my heart I'm really tryin' to win, so where do we start? (Thou shall not steal) But, what if he stole from me? (Thou shall not kill) But what if he's tryin' to kill me? (Thou shall not, take my, name in vain, no matter how hard it rains, withstand the pain) Our father, who art in heaven I'm not ashamed to ask for guidance, at 27 No longer afraid to knock on your door Not scared anymore to lose my life in the war After what I just saw, I'm ridin' with the lord Cause I really can't afford to lose my head by the sword And now that I've seen, what I need to see Please take me, where I need to be (What have you learned?) It's better to tell the truth than to lie (What have you learned?) To love my life until I die (What have you learned?) Violence isn't always the key (What have you learned?) You can't always believe what you see (What have you learned?) It's better to forgive and forget (What have you learned?) Give as you expect to get (What have you learned?) That I can't go on without you (What have you learned?) I must've been a fool to ever doubt you I'm ready to meet him

My Interests

Family, friends, charities, going out
Name: Aaron, A.K.A Chainlink, A.K.A. Staples Unit 1249
Birthday: 0983
Birthplace: Ohio
Current Location: Burque
Eye Color: Hzl
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 6' 5"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Both
Your Heritage: Mutt
The Shoes You Wore Today: Timberland
Your Weakness: Woman with a smile, body, and soul
Your Fears: Small fear of driving
Your Perfect Pizza: veggie lover deep dish extra cheese with pineapple
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: meet someone that stimulates my mental state
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: (lol)
Thoughts First Waking Up: 5 more minutes....good dream
Your Best Physical Feature: ????
Your Bedtime: my bed is niether digital nor analog
Your Most Missed Memory: my mothers arms
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke..if i may say
MacDonalds or Burger King: BK Lounge.......and it's McDonalds.............ass
Single or Group Dates: Both are fun
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea(Can), Lipton ice(Home brew)
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappuccino or Coffee: both
Do you Smoke: quit
Do you Swear: trying to quit
Do you Sing: in the shower,car and bars
Do you Shower Daily: Absolutely
Have you Been in Love: Yes
Do you want to go to College: In college now
Do you want to get Married: Someday
Do you belive in yourself: yes...and i can spell Believe.......................ass
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: yes
Are you a Health Freak: sometimes
Do you get along with your Parents: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: Several
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: No
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I'
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Yes with a friends help

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Yes
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: No
Ever been Beaten up: No
Ever Shoplifted: Yes in middle school
How do you want to Die: i would rather be burned at the steak then have have my head cut off.......a hot steak is better than a cold chop
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a fucking rockstar
What country would you most like to Visit: Europe..If i may say
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: no preference.....and it's Favorite...................ass
Favourite Hair Color: no preference.....and it's Favorite...................you're still an ass
Short or Long Hair: no preference
Height: no preference
Weight: u gotta take care of yourself
Best Clothing Style: no preference
Number of Drugs I have taken: 92,836,592,863,565,682,639,637,562,739,726,358,858
Number of CDs I own: 92,836,592,863,565,682,639,637,562,739,726,358,858
Number of Piercings: 92,836,592,863,565,682,639,637,562,739,726,358,858
Number of Tattoos: 92,836,592,863,565,682,639,637,562,739,726,358,858
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 0


I'd like to meet:

Anyone really i'm always up for new friends.


yes please .


i watch alot of movies, don't have favorites ...


You are a Hippie
You are a total hippie. While you may not wear birks or smell of incense, you have the soul of a hippie. You don't trust authority, and you do as you please. You're willing to take a stand, even when what you believe isn't popular.You like to experiment with ideas, lifestyles, and different subcultures. You always gravitate toward what's radical and subversive. Normal, mainstream culture doesn't really resonate with you. Are You a Hippie?


love to read Are You a Metrosexual? A quiz for men. Have you ever shaved anything on your body besides your face?
No, never
Yes, once
A few times

Question 1 out of 12

MySpace Personality Quiz by Quibblo Your Results King of all Metrosexual Land What can we say, you are 99-44/100% metrosexual. You walk the walk, you talk the talk and you live the life. All hail the primp King.


Superman, Spiderman, wonder woman, green lantern, batman, firefighters, service personnel(defense corps), super girl, bat girl, the justice league, hawk man, Peter sellers as the pink panther, dark wing duck, ninja turtles, samurai jack, Amigoman, Astron Star Soldier, Black Angel, Captain Marvel, Zen, Fatman, Hawgman, Holo-man, Jewish Hero Corps, Killinger, Mendy’s Golem, Misfits, Peace Party, Petro, Professor, Rocket Rabbit, Shaloman, Shark-man, Shi, Shuriken, Super Green Beret, Tribal Force, Dawn, Jetta, Nira-X CyberAngel, Tiger Wraith, Java, Bluewing, Sara Vargas, Corpse, Mazscara, Lucy Nocturne, Atomic Robo, Scarlett, Thunder Monkey, Doc Creepy, The Shield, Black Hood, The Comet, The Web, Steel Sterling, Hangman, Firefly, Captain Commando, Scarlet Avenger, Hercules, Inferno, Lady Rawhide, THUNDER Agents, Black Marvel, Challenger, Archie The Gruesome, Flexo, Invisible Man, Human Torch, Miss America, Tough Kid Squad, Whizzer, Sun Girl, Venus, Golden Girl, Lara Croft, Witchblade, Darkness, Stryker, 8 Man, Goku, Kenny Starfighter, Maskerade Proggaren, Medioman, Supersonic Man, Rat-Man, Puma Man, Satanik, Saras 008, Manusia Kecoa, Blacan, Virgo, Sriti, Merpati, Sri Asih

My Blog

True meaning of blood

Posted by Aaron on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:51:00 PST

Another day another death

Posted by Aaron on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 03:29:00 PST


Posted by Aaron on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 04:09:00 PST