<===Jeremy===> profile picture



About Me

This by Terry Goodkind's book Faith of the fallen The Wizard's Sixth Rule:The only sovereeign you can allow rule you is reason. The Sixth rule is the hub upon which all rules turn. It is not only the most important rule, but the simplest. Nonetheless, it is the one most often ignored and violated, and by far the most despised. It must be wielded in spite of the ceaseless, howling protests of the wicked. Misery, iniquity, and utter destruction luck in the shadows outside its full light, where half-truths snare the faithful disciples, the deeply feeling believers, the selfless followers. Faith and feelings are warm marrow of evil. Unlike reason, faith and feelings provide no boundary to limit any delusion, any whim. They are a virulent poison, giving the numbing illusion of moral sanction to every depravity ever hatched. Faith and feelings are the darkness to reason's light. Reason is the very substance of truth itself. The glory that is life is wholly embraced through reason, through this rule. In rejecting it, in rejecting reason, one embraces death. I live my life by this rule, it is a good rule to live by.

My Interests

My intersts are reading books and playing video games, I like fast ass cars LOL.......And I like talking to people online in games or in instant messenger, but I like meeting new people in MMORPGS and fast-person shooters, I like talking shit in them like "I am L33T u cant kill a 1 year ago" or "I came to do two thing, cuw bubble gum and kick some ass and I am all out of bubble gum MUAHAHAHAAHHA".........LOL If you are playing a online game and you see a guy name RoYaLe or MaDDneSS a good guess it is me........I also like watching people in bars and thinking what have they done in there life, you people well think it is wreid but if you about it is not that wreid becaues how much do we know about people in this world, becaues people do the crazys thing when they think people are not looking............Well maybe I'm crazy who knows, as you boys and girls read my profile you see I like to talk alot some times when I look around at my life and see I have done nutthing in it and time is run out, so I think and write and talk to myself what would life be like if I made diffent changes when I was yonger and stuff or would I be the same person I'm day or diffent, no one know becaues we cant change the past.......But would like to talk to people about it and see if some one think the same thing I do but I think not, who would think like me no one that is who becaues I think I'm crazy just a little bit or maybe not HAHAHAHAHAHA. HMMMMM What I like is have fun and talking shit in online gaming, but when people get to know I'm a nice guy like in MMORPGS I would lvl your charters for you or hunt your gear for you or kill a person who made you mad, becaues that is the kind of person I'm, but if you get on my bad side boy watch out becaues I can make your life a living hell LOL just joking but maybe I'm not who knows ;p . But I do know one thing that is this world is shiting, people look out for them self and piss on people that they dont know or maybe the do know them and they dont care, maybe that is how we were made I mean the human race, becaues we have war and killing for sport and we dont look around to see at the world is a shit hole....The homless number go up each year becaues houes go up, the new middle class is now low poor class. And there is not alot jobs to go around or they dont pay that much for people to live. We give alot of money to sport stars so they can buy those houses and cars stuff like that but we can careless for people on the street, we say it is not us why should we care about a that person on street, but we should care about it becaues it can be us, we can be that person on street it is a matter of time and when thing are going on now that can be in 10 years from now......But then we say that is in 10 years we till can change things but the truth is that the human race is lazy, I'm sorry but it is true just look around and you see what I'm talking about, that is cold hard truth humans are lazy and they think for them selfs. I think the people need a woke up call but that is just me........You can think I'm crazy of that helps you to sleep at night, and like I said befor maybe I'm crazy and I dont know it HAHAAHAHAHAH......Now that would be funny I can see it now me in the nut house LOL, time well tell. Maybe I been read to much or playing to much video games but I do know that is world is not like it was in the 40s or 50s that is for sure. But the funny thing about that is I was born in 1979 so how would I know how the 40s and 50s were like it is easy read books on it and you well see what I'm talking about.........Ok I am done talking

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i like music that gets me in the killing mood baic that is hard rock and seed rock and some DJ stuff.


HAHAHAHAHA this is a hard one......i like all movies, HMMM is ANIME movies or TV lol.......well boo ya it is both hahaha


G4 and Cartoon network and anime network.........


I like Terry Goodkind, Terry Brook, Anne Rice, Robin Hobb, Ed Greenwood and some of Stephen King old stuff.......But i like Terry Goodkind the best, his sword of the truth books are really good i readed 1 thow 9 and 10 come out on July 18 2006......So i been wanting for 4 months now lol.....I love to read, I can read a 500+ page book in 3 days, some times I read for 24 hour....Yes i know that sounds crazy but I dont care, Books help me to get out of this shiting world we live in and go to a world were the world is good and paceful........But someone people say I read to much and my dreams are of books I have finsh reading, So I like books and I can just sit and read all day if I like to becaues reading helps to leave this world and go to a world that is paceful......If people know how I am really they would figthin that i am going kill myself but I dont have the balls to do that and I like my shiting little live I have HAHAHAHHAHAH.......Just joking about that killing myself part, life sucks but it does not suck that much to kill myself I am dumb but not that dumb LOL.........And plus if I kill myself I cant read book 10 in the Sword of truth now can I HAHAHAHAH or play video games or do the there thing I like in this shiting little world what we call life.....Well, you people how read this well think I'm crazy maybe you are right or maybe not, who knows. god? or some higher bing? or whatever made the world? or did we come from monkey? no one know for sure. But I would like to think there is a heaven, not that we worm food when we dye, but that is it is't no one know the truth. LOL hear I go, I am this for books but I am talking about life and death......Ok I am going to stop talking and go to do stuff.................


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