Fire. Metal, for ears and eyes. Overcast cliffsides, throwing rocks down and counting until it hits. Sad clowns, jailhouse smiles, tattooed tears, my limbs when they fall asleep, too many pillows, little fears, the rain, fog rolling in and settleing, sneazing three times in a row, critters of all kinds, especially my bearded dragon kitty, laying down, long car rides, body modifications and how there done, and to do them, fire and fire play (eating breathing dancing ect.) motorcycles, jewerly & making jewerly, chrocheting and making stuff out of anything. Art of all kinds, welding ( oxy/acettaline is my personal favorite) martial arts, wing chung and pretending I can kick some ass, Tom waits, string instruments, going out to shows, sipping on a never ending cup of tea while having a conversation with a good friend, baths & books, especially togrther, weilding the powers of the universe into my hand and making a kick ass bannana bread, dressing up like a mandrea, going out to the desert and getting drunk, dirty and mean (xoxo dpw), traveling, meeting new people and wondering why you havn't met sooner, photograghy, good wine, being captured by something, poeples faces before they sneaze, accidental farts, Keri's animals, even when they bring you trash or make you muffins in ouchy places.
A bullet from a fucking gun, fucker.
My Dying Bride, Coil, Crashworship, Tom Waits, Black heart Procession, Skinny puppy, Amber Asylem, Evoken, Shapes of Despair, Godflesh, At the Gates, Ludicra, Xasthur, Arab Strap, Wolves in the Throne Room, Bloodbath, Like Flies on Flesh, Boris, Eric McFadden, Acid Bath, Nureosis, Vincent Gallo, Sepultura, Jonny Cash, Nick Cave, All things better than liver, Ramones, Gary Nuwman, Radiohead, Butthole Surfers, Bauhaus, Black Saboth, Apocolipse Theater, Thrill Kill Cult, Scraemn' J Hawkins, Otis Redding, Arab Strap, Big Black, John Frusciante, TchKung! Waiting for God, Cranes, Aphex Twin, Dead Can Dance, Portishead, Switchblabe Symphony, Rasputina, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos, Massive Attack, Rosin Coven, Sinatra, Tin Hat Trio, Blind Boys of Alabama, Hank Willams the 3rd, Napalm Death, Eyehategod, Asunder, Burzum, Five, Blunt as Nort, Kylessa, Boris, Anaal Nathrakh, Say ten hail Marys, The Thorns, Tears for Fears, Dirty Three, I heart Jason Webly, Declan de Barra, Mogwai, Sunn0)))
Dead Man, Blue velvet, MAD Max...all of them, Edward Penis Hands, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Wet Hot American Summer, Quills, Buffalo 66, The Brothers Quay films, Full metal Jacket, Faster pussycay killkill, Kung Pow, ZOOlander, Titus, Wild at Heart, All the Friday the 13th's, The Vampire's Kiss, Fear and loathing, Freeway, love me some John Waters films
Simpsons & Family guy
Anything by Andrew Vachess, Neil Gaman, Andrew Loyd, Chuck Palahniuk, Nick Cave, Lewis Carroll, Orson Scott Card, Mary Shelley, TS Elliot, Eggar Allen Poe, Edward Gory, Shell Silverstein