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RESPECT to all my people and friends that are down with this campaign as they know how important that we try to make a difference as life is short and what we make it, so show love regardless of what you have or dont have as Love is free. REMEMBER Love is free. JOIN SHOTTAS PARADISE FAN CLUB and SAVE a LIFE.Check out and join up to our campaign to save our children and youth.A feature film with a difference, Shottas Paradise is a deterent against Black on Black Violence, Guns, Drugs and all the senseless killings within our communities, so if you wanna make a difference but dont know how, join Shottas Paradise fan club and your on the right track, as we are looking to establish a fan club of at least a million positive people that care about the youth of today and the environment that they are living in.Please understand this is a movement and if you have had any experience of some of the damaging effect of Black on Black Violence, you will know what I mean, when we say somethings has to be done before it gets any worst, Many people say it cant get better well we disagree, as charity begins at home and maybe we the public needs to address the situation as its our children and communities that are getting dragged into this way of life and I can assure you life wasnt like this 10 years ago.So now its up to you, you and you to do your part before its a member of your family being killed or doing the killing.We have the support of some of the best Black Actors in the UK supporting this cause as they can also see the way life has changed for the worst for today's and tomorrow's youth and without us doing something about it, the situation will only get worst.So please feel free to forward this on to all your contacts, links and friends and get them to join Shottas Paradise fan club as only then all the objects and plans we have to help save our community can really work.Also you can see what we have done in the past at these sites: type in unusual suspects ltd ALSO also coming soon in the early part of 2008 Unusual Suspects TV Where you will see exclusive footage of Bobby Brown, Ja Rule, Zena, Scarface plus so much many more.Unusual Suspects Ltd Lexus House Rosslyn Cresent Harrow, Middlesex HA1 2RZ Tel: 0845 257 0922 Tel: 0208 515 1390/9 Fax: 0208 863 1834 Cell: 0789 973 5911Director Ian Irving-Blackfound this plain layout at HOT / MyHotComments Never Scared - Gun Control
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