<.put me in the dirt and watch me bloom.> profile picture

&lt;.put me in the dirt and watch me bloom.&gt;

i love life ;; so basically i'm royalty. Queenetta Leflore ;; soon to be Mrs. Ayers.

About Me

Alright ;; so im a city girl && my name is Queenetta Leflore, I'm a senior (c/o ..08) at Summerville High School. I'm sixteen years young ;; i'm stuck up, so what ;; my birthday is July 11. I'm madly in love with my wonderful boyfriend Shane Ayers. yes, i'm the future Mrs. Ayers ;; it's almost like we're perfect ;; we're not. I love him to death. I am very random. My best friends are Jazmine Jones, who is a lesbian ;; && who has been my ride or die since second grade,, i love her to death. I love when shane kisses me on the forehead. I DO NOT eat pork . Some people DO NOT like me ;; but so what ;; i'm not on this earth to be well known or liked. I'm terrified of spiders ! I'm told that i talk and sound like a white girl, no i just talk educated, i haven't been in school all theses years for nothing . There is NO such thing as a "HATER." I have 2 wonderful older brothers Leon && Leonte Leflore (blood family) && the boys who have adopted me as a little sister, Levar && Lemont Houston. do not call me sexy. I despise being called "sexy" ;; the word "sexy" is used for scandalous females. Jason Fleming is a pretty cool kid && Abby Malphrus, whom i love so much, is also very dear to me ;; i love these people to death.I'm not a mean person ;; Teneesha Elmore is the shit;; my swagger is very unique and one of a kind. I love trident gum. I love when i don't match. I love my parents ;; There will always be people who DO NOT like you ;; So what. I recieved my dream kiss in the rain. I must say that it was wonderful and very heart felt. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I love, love, love my two Doggies, Qurve && Quream. I'm a child of GOD.
^ Layouts, Graphics, Tutorials, and more ^"

My Interests

-..apr 11th oh ..6-

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music = my life. it gets me through everything.


reading is fundamental.


my mother & father. my nana (rip). jesus christ.