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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I dont like emo bithes my veiw of emo is this "im gonna cut myself and watch it bleed so i can write a sad song about it" how gay is that. Ya, thats fuckin gay. So its safe to say that im not emo. I like sports i like playin sports. Football is the best sport to play n..watch next is basketball its fun to play n..watch to. Baseball is fun to play or go to real games but to watch it its kinda gay just not enough action involved it just drags the fuck out so thats gay. I love music i have a fuckin sweet collection of cds lots of out-of-print cds and collection editions, its taken me fuckin years to get it were its @ now but it was well wroth all the time n..money that it took. If u wanna know something about me ask me unless your a emo bitch, then fuck off :=)
Carl's Friend Space
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football and beer

My Interests

SEX N' ROCK N ROLL(fuck ya). Football season is one of my favorite seasons of the year. I like my job i climb n' cut trees its way fun. Fishin n' campin are both relaxin and fun though i havent done much of lately, i need to get my head outta my ass and do more shit that i like doing. Maybe I procrastinate a lil to much? I like to go to the bars and have a few drinks. Roadtrips or just driveing and listening to music. I like playing football and basketball there both great fun.

I'd like to meet:

Axl Rose i was like 15 feet away from touchin the man but the fuckin security got in the way. Nikki Sixx he gave me a high 5 once so that was cool but i didnt get to meet him. Ed Norton, Marky Mark there both good guys. Jessica Alba shes way hot. Reggie Miller hes my favorite basketball player I saw him play down in Utah he hit the game wining 3 and I was wearing my jearsy and it looked like people wanted to kick the shit outta me, too bad he retired. Slash that man can play guitar. And anybody whos hot:)


I love the fuck outta 80's hair metal (i even have a southern buttrock cd) that shit is just fuckin amazing every song is just about having a good time and every song has a guaitar solo in it how sweet is that. My favorite band is Guns N' Roses hands down their music is Da best and their attitude is out of this world. Motley Crue and Type O Negative tie for 2nd place favorite bands. And dont forget anything bluesy, oh ya.


Super Troopers its the funniest movie ever. Fight Club, Road Trip. Still waiting to see a good scary movie most are just cheesy


It's Motha Fuckin football season. Direct T.V. NFL season ticket, shit i think thats all the fuckin games, so if i wanna see jeff garcia or frank gore its all good


The Dirt Motley Crue's autobi. It tells you how the real rock n roll life style is. Both the up n' down sides that book is a must for any and everyone. The Herion Dairies (Nikki Sixx's book) all i can say is ITS fuckin sweet trust me. One year of daily journal entries when fucked up on persain(the persain kills him twice you think he would learn the first time) And I cant forget about my autobi its titled PRIDE AND PROCRASTINATION "My personal life history" its killer you gotta get a copy when i finished. Dont worry its almost done.

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ME:)W. Axl Rose, NiKKi SiXX, Charlie Rose and other cool, good people

My Blog

gifted individuals

So ive made up my mind that anyone that can pick up dollar bills off your nose with there kooch,  happens to be a very talented person. I tip my hat to those gifted individuals.
Posted by Teyshawn on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:49:00 PST

gifted individuals

So ive made up my mind that anyone that can pick up dollar bills off your nose with there kooch,  happens to be a very talented person. I tip my hat to those gifted individuals.
Posted by Teyshawn on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:49:00 PST


Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. This year is almost over should i be excited??? Sure i should be but im not. I got ouuta jail i should be excited and still im not. I shoulda had a "merry chri...
Posted by Teyshawn on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:29:00 PST


..> Do you, do you wanna bleedDo you, do you wanna live in vainIt's only lifeShe's so afraid to kissAnd so afraid to laughIs she running from her pastIt's only lifeShe's so afraid of loveIs so afr...
Posted by Teyshawn on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:44:00 PST


Can you smell sarcasmOn my breath??I'm a new age puppet strungOut on deathA rat like me won'tSave the worldA freak like meA rat like me won'tSave the worldGoing down and killin' timeDown down downI do...
Posted by Teyshawn on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:30:00 PST