Give me music, give me movies, give me liberty, or give me death.Let's first take a chance to realize that my priorities aren't out of whack. I simply have no priorities. I find it allows me to do what I choose when I choose to do it.I think my biggest problem right now is that I can't accomplish the things I set my mind to. I want to, but I seem to be coming up short as of late. Maybe it's my fault, maybe it's external factors, but I like to think that I'm failing myself, this way, I know that I can control, and eventually fix the problem.Trying to break your way into the world of mass media can be difficult. I'm not sure whether I've taken the right route, but I feel like I'm like a hamster running on a treadmill and it doesn't seem right. I've chosen the route of radio to take me where I want to go, but lets face it, it's going to take a lot more than what i've been doing to accomplish my goals. However, I'm entertaining, i'm funny, i'm charming, somebody has got to notice sooner or later.
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