I am interested in a great number of interesting things, including but not limited to; bowling with Mexican prostitutes; eating delicious food like mangos and carbs; consuming large quantities of coffee; the crappy state of the average American lifestyle; the tower of babel (i mean the real one, not some crappy local band!); anything having to do with Neil Giaman; moving to England, but I'll settle for Canada; being misanthropic and weird; how I am a general pain in the ass, and why I don't get paid for it.To play the Devil's advocate, here are some of my anti-interests; famous people; my own grammatical errors; what brand your purse is, and how much it cost; lip gloss; how fat your ass is; thing that suck; people that suck; the drama that people feel the need to create in life; bullshit.
Um, most of the people I want to meet I already know. Two words; JONNY CRITON. I'll say it again; JONNY CRITON. I love him so. David Bowie. He'd be fun. Morrissey, although I'm afraid he'd be a dissapointment (We GET it already, you're in love with yourself). My evil twin, that'd be pretty fuckin' cool. And Jesus; he sounds like a good guy. I can better tell you who I DON'T want to meet, and that is probably the likes of Steven Tyler, people who suck, and my good twin (fuck her!). Oh, and YOU, if you're not someone I already know. All the friends on my friend list? People I already know. Even Ping. I really don't want you in my universe, ok? So I guess what I'm saying is this; I'll see you in hell.
The kind that doesn't suck. Quite frankly, if you're really that interested in what kind of music I like, you are probably too shallow for me to talk to. On the other hand, if you don't like Joy Division, Nicole Blackman, or Lenord Cohen, I'm probably too shallow to talk to you.
Any movie that bears no resemblence to my real life, as I've decided to become an escapist. Also, the movie in my friend Father Ted's Head, which is SOO much better than the one in mine!
Mmmm, TV... Since the sci-fi channel canceled Farscape, and I've seen all 12 episodes of the Young Ones more times than I can count, I can pretty much do without TV. ALL TELEVISION MUST DIE!!!! except the simpsons. I'll hang on to them. most of adult swim. I'll keep that, too.
The Bell Jar. American Gods. Naked Lunch. Pride & Prejudice. The Spider & the Fly. Hitchiker's Guide. The Belgariad. Black Jewels Trilogy. Ender's Game. Cat's Eye. 100 Years of Solitude. A Scanner Darkly. The Anatomy Coloring Book. The Book of Answers. Animal Dreams. Le Morte de Arthur. The Illustrated Woman. The Crococdile Bird.
The Jerky Boys. The Beastie Boys. Not Madonna. My Mom. Maybe yours, too, depending on how much of a pain you were growing up. Oh, and Jonny Criton, of course.