Music, art, computers, sex, play, play, play, play.
Masochists, sadists, lovers, sluts, whores and beautiful people.
Tool, tool, tool, A Perfect Circle, tool, Israeli heavy metal and rap.
I like crazy independant films, but I also love cheezy blockbusters as long as they don't try to be too serious. Lately I haven't really had time for movies, but I'm interested in watching Borat and the new Jackass movie, I'm a bit ashamed of this.
I hate television, but can get trapped in front of the set way too easily. I do like the Daily Show, but I feel that lately it's lost something.
I've enjoyed books, but I typically feel guilty for reading them afterwards. I really like books that have a lot of words that make me grab a dictionary, although books written in a different time period's venacular hurt my brain.That said, I like cheesy, amusing fiction, historical accounts, and books about people that have had an affect on history.
Patrick Bateman.