me,myself and I in 150 questions! by klesa
name: Candice
nickname: Candy
birthday: 28:02:86
height: Taller than short people but shorter that tall people
weight: Thinner than fat people but fatter that skinny people
hair: Black
eyes: Dark Brown
any piercings?: Just my ears
tattoos?: Nope
any siblings?: 1 brother
what do you like to wear?: Dresses
book?: Cheque Books
color?: Pink
movie?: Grease
celebrity?: Jennifer Aniston
place?: My Bed
food?: Pasta
dessert?: Chocolate Ice cream
alcoholic drink?: N/A
non-alcoholic drink?: Coke
day of the week?: Saturday
number?: 3
month?: February
city?: Venice
country?: Italy
animal?: Dog
time of the day?: Bedtime
smell?: The smell of the ground just after a rain
tv channel?: SABC 3 but if I had DSTV it would be Channel 85 MTV
song at the moment?: Tell me where it hurts- Garbage
friend?: Ronelle
place to be?: Anywhere with crowds
time of the day?: 6 in the Morning when i have to get up
day of the week?: Tuesday
song/music gender?: Gangster Rap
animal to you?: Cat
drink?: Anything with Alcohol
food?: Dont have one
*have u ever...*
been so drunk that you cant remember?: Nope
cheated: Nope
been cheated on?: Yip
been in love?: Yes
been on TV?: Nope
stolen anything?: Yes
been on stage?: Yes
passed out?: Not that I remember
had a surgery?: No
broke the law intentionally?: No
had a friend pass away?: No
been lied?: Yes
been dumped?: No, I've always been the dumper
*do you...*
do drugs?: Nope
get drunk?: Nope
dance?: Only in my room where nobody can see
party?: Yeah occassionally
sing?: Yes but only when I'm alone
play an instrument?: Nope
get along with your parents?: Yes
think you are attractive?: Yip
swear?: No
smoke?: No
get motion sickness?: Sometimes
wear contacts/glasses?: Nope
get good marks?: Sorta
watch cartoon?: Yip
drink milk :3 ?: Yes
write poems/stories?: Only when I'm forced to
take a particular medicine?: Yes
go to psycholog?: No
have a pet?: No
are you allergic to something?: Yes
play an online rpg?: Yip
get online on msn a lot?: Yip
google a lot?: Yip
have fights?: No
read magazines?: Yes
read comics?: Yip
how many hours do you sleep?: +/- 9 hours
how frequently do you go to hairdresser?: Every 4 months
get along with your teachers?: Yes
What's your preferred genre of music?: Punk Rock..
All-time favorite band/artist?: Green Day
All-time favorite song?: Time of Your Life
How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: 3 Mp3s
What's your favorite radio station?: 5fm
rock?: Love it
blues/jazz?: No
classical?: NOOOOOOooooooo
rap?: Depends on the artist and the song
pop?: Love it
country?: Nooooooooo
emo/screamo?: Nope
heavy metal?: Nope
techno?: No
reggae?: Noooooo
r&b?: A little
time you cried?: Last month.. I think...
movie you watched?: Big Fat Liar
person you talked on the phone?: Tino
cigarette?: I dont smoke
song played?: When Your gone - Avril Lavigne
thing you ate?: Peanut Butter
time you took a bubble bath?: 2 Months ago
time you got drunk?: I dont drink alcohol
time you read a book?: Errr.........
email you get?: This Morning
person you got a fight?: Monday
time you hugged someone?: Yesterday
time you kissed someone?: Saturday
time you met someone new?: Errr............
time you went for a date?: Saturday
*do you believe in...*
God?: Yes
religions?: Yes
aliens?: No
ghosts?: No
afterlife?: No
yourself?: Yes
astrology?: No
karma?: No
magic?: No
*in a girl/boy*
hair: Short and neat
eyes: Light Brown
hobbies: Sport, Cars, Music
style of clothing: Sophisticated
kiss on first date?: Yip
love at first sight?: Yes
who do you wanna slap?: The girl who was making moves on my boyfriend
who do you wanna kill?: The Girl who was making moves on my boyfriend
your dream: To be rich
do you want to get married?: Yes
love?: Have lots of it
i wanna be: Famous
all you need is: to be happy
identy yourself with 3 words:: Fun, fearless female
what is your worst characteristic?: Shyness
what are your fears?: Failing
what is your weakness?: Over emotional
favourite quote?: Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!!!
cartman or kenny?: Who are they???
shoes you weared last time?: Black Sandal
what is your aim for this year?: To get my degree
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