the floor. the walls. the ceiling.pretty colors. walking. talking. eating. living. loving. seeing. believing.
free form flow fromim stuck in a ditch of my own digging and it is filled with the compost of my heart. im stuck in a clam of my own reef, and i cant let go of this pearl im stuck in a monkey of my own jungle, and this banana is delicious im stuck in a hobbit hole of my own hobbiton and this hobbitry is a bit hobbitful im stuck in a jar of my own jelly jams, and my ear is sticky with smudgedred im stuck in a pie of my own baking and my warbles are nifter micnutlereried im stuck in a jumble of my own jumbling and my bumbling mumbling slumfiedoo im stuck in a barrel of jesusisis and i cant TESTIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my love. CANT. jimmy the sturdy well shorn welsh man retired from his treat he swaddled and saddled on up to me and tugged about his meat. smelling fondly of baking chips and crisps of watfuck fuck that son bitch did done mastrubate. hands covered in vaseline, creole spice mix and herbs du vor. shit i kill a fool as such, mince and mime and parasite and crinkly crambly crunch. bottle and bottles of alkie seltza rumble tummy punch. puke upon the porcupine wing... wing in the inch.STUEY left bakersfield. a mindless, sightless, roving alchoholic with a pisspot for a brain. bent on death..destruction...lines of cheap was never one to put the kettle on in on outside revert reverb ride die. jimmy.... smash the guitar. gorak ladies breasts, cheap musk of room temperature vaginal excrement smeared across stale wheat toast.FLACID. death. light of albacore, money sight... afraid. NEW AGE USHERS in my community...sightless reason............... irreconcilable displexic myotopia of ill willed reasonable doubt..... alive, alone, whole, apart, small.scurry down the bumper shoot. reconcile with do. t. walker. walk away.
have beat. have box. will travel...
short attention span. not really interested.
i want a coaxial plugged directly to my brain. if a new product exists...i must know.
kafka. books about kafka. books written about books about kafka. books written about people who write books about kafka. anything oprah. pratchett. christopher moore. harry potter. Vonnegut. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. like spike milligan. "the little red cookbook" more terry pratchett. thucydides. Homer. The Orestia. Emma Goldman. lots of Philosophy. The three investigators. tv guide
stank people who smoke drugs. citizens of the concerned far right. anarchists. gynocologists. football players who say they are going into battle when really they are just playing a game.