Just ask me, because this is one my hundreds of journals online . . . but I hear this myspace thing is cool.
I aspire to be a myspace whore, but I ran outta batteries for my camera.
I like girly drinks . . . alot. The first time you meet me, I'll probally be drunk.
I like music, in multiple flavours, but prefer screaming type stuff (woah, i'm original).
I bring conversations to the next level of most disgusting and perverted topic matter possible (the internet is to blame for that).
I try to be the most upstanding dude possible. You start as being my greatest friend and it takes alot for you to get demoted.
Definately a chubby kid, but I've been working on solving that for many many years, and it will be many many years till its resolved.
I know way too much about the call center industry that it scares me.
I'm way chatty, and probally talk your ear off as if we have been friends for years.
I crave exciment. Really, I do. I get depressed when everything is mundane.
I more than likely find you attractive. There isn't a whole lot of un-attractive people in the world (well, I might be tempted to delete this phrase later :P )
I build custom web applications on the side. PHP/MySQL is my money shot.
Nonetheless, lurk me (cause I know I lurk you) and add me all you want.
Sites I try to maintain:
iam-jamie.com (personal blog)