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travel, hotels, college, will, love, sex, purpele, white coat, wake hollywood, music, concerts, anything, black, stars, tattoos, piercings, your dad, ashley, family, expense reports... haha, saturn, 311, old school punk, system of a down, tool, lost prophets, ashlee simposon... yes, angry lesbian music, ann arbor, north carolina, sunny places, spa's cause i need them, sleep cause i dont sleep enough, dancing, clubs, beer, liquor... of course, im 21, deana, haha jack when he's not mad at me, work, record players, collecting records, old music, tempations? aye?, CANDADIANS cause their fucking hilarious, being spontaneous, chris sims cause he puts me in my place cause he's out of his mind... love you chris, dyed hair cause mine is all kinds of color, dress clothes cause i have to wear them everyday, high heels.. damn those high heels, running, exercise and i dont do it at all cause im so fucking busy, coffee... caribou coffee... hate starbucks accept for their frapachinos, ugly mug, being a cool kid, cat, suicide girls, growing up, i-pods, degrassi (hate to say it), saturn, money, mom and pop coffee shops, turtle mocha
adopt your own virtual pet!
The people that I admire the most. The people you will never know.
Whatever you got.. bring it in. I would love to hear it on my record player. Currently, I am collecting anything I like on records so if you know of a good place let me know. I own way too many cd's and am always looking for a good listening partner.Music Video:a class='hov' style='display:block;width:310px;border:solid 2px black;padding:5px'
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Anna Fuqua-Smith
Birthday:: August 14th, 1985
Birthplace:: Ypsilanti, Mi
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Naturally dark brown but now its different shades or red, brown & blonde
Height:: 5'3 so the doc. tells me
Weight:: ???
Right handed or Left handed?: right
Your Heritage:: Irish, German, Hillbilly, French and more
My Worst Habit:: biting my nails
Zodiac Sign:: Leo
Shoe Size:: 8
Pants Size:: it differs w/ different brands
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Shoes You Wore Today:: 3 inch heals
Your Weakness:: music and love
Your Fears:: failing at life
Your Perfect Pizza:: pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: not go insane from the lack of sleep and work & get back into school by fall 07
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Who can I call into the hotel so I can go back to sleep?
Your Best Physical Feature:: My hair
Your Bedtime:: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: High School
Favorite color?: black and red
Food?: thai food
Sport?: Basketball
Animal?: Doggie
Ice Cream?: Oreo's Cookies and Cream
Candy?: Andes Mints
Store?: Vanity, Gadzooks, Hot Topic
Salad Dressing?: Ranch
Actor?: I don't have one
Song?: It changes day to day
Letter?: S
Number?: 7
Gum?: Stride
Holiday?: Halloween
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Vanilla
Radio Station?: 88.7
Perfume?: Lilu
Scent besides perfume?: Will
Body part on the opposite sex?: hands so when your being held... your really being held
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Corporate Pilot & Wiser
How Do You Want To Die?: sleep
Turn ons:: touching me lightly and softly
Turn offs:: smelly breath
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Cat
Who's The Loudest?: Becca
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Ashley
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Will
Who's The Shyist?: Nicole
When Have You Cried The Most?: Recently, when will left all by myself :)
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Realizing love
Worst Feeling?: Being alone w/ no one to hold me
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Somewhere down South where coldness and snow only comes for like 2 weeks
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my bad habit in not calling people back when I say I will
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: 76?
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: sky
What a nice: cup of coffee
Where did all the: ice cream go?
Why can't we: go out?
Silly, little: thing called love
Isn't it weird that: I actually like you
Never under any circumstance: will I date you
I wish: I could fly
Everyone has a: penis... really, they do!!!
I am: not a virgin
Been In Love?: yes
Been To Juvie?: no
Mooned Someone?: no
Been Rejected?: yes, hasn't everyone in one shape or another?
Ran Away From Home?: yes
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yes
Skipped School?: yes if senior skip day counts. Also, if you consider blowing off college then really... YES!
Thought About Suicide?: yes
Slept Outside?: yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes
Cried In School?: yes
Thrown Up In School?: no
Wanted To Be a Model?: I have been so yes...
Cheated On Someone?: yes... Anton
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yes
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: yes
Drank Alcohol?: yes
Smoked?: yes
Been On Drugs?: yes
Eaten Sushi?: yes
Been On Stage?: yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: yes
Shoplifted?: no
Been Drunk?: yes
Been Called A Tease?: yes
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: fuck no!!!
Sing Well?: yes
Shower Daily?: everyday in the morning!!!
Want To Go To College?: yes... been there, does that and will finish it
Want To Get Married?: yes and to the right person... i hate divorces
Believe In Yourself?: for the most part...
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: to some people
Get Along With Your Parents?: not really anymore :(
Like Thunderstorms?: hell yes
Play An Instrument?: a little guitar that I'm workin on
Own An IPOD?: no, but an mp3 player that'll soon become Will's
Pray?: Just for him to come home... God and I are cool but not sure if he's for me
Go To Church?: no
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: does it count if their under my bed?
Keep A Journal/Diary?:
Dance In The Rain?: yes that includes running in the rain, laying in the rain and I would love to actually kiss someone in the rain
Sing In The Shower?: no
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: burger king
Single or Group Dates?: single, you get to know that person better
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: meat but someday I am determined to become Veegan
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: GUITAR... WHAT???
Adidas or Nike?: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios
Cake or Pie?: cake
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: no
Write With Both Hands?: yes
Whistle?: yes
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: no
Cross Your Eyes?: yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: no
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: yes
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: no
You Touched:: Deana, I shoved her I think for talking shit about me in front of everyone... haha
You Talked To On The Phone:: Jack (my boss)
You Instant Messaged:: Will
You Hugged:: Dan
You Yelled At:: I don't remember
You Played A Sport With:: Kasarah... I threw a ball at her head
Time You Laughed?: 2 hours ago at Deana
Time You Cried?: It's been a while
Movie You Watched?: Running w/ Scissors
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Big Red
Joke You Told?: can't remember but it was probabley told to Ashley because only he finds me funny
Song You've Sung?: Beautifully Broken
Where Are You?: Work in the back off the office
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Christina Crawford's Car and my car
Are You Listening To Music?: yes
What Are You Wearing?: black pans, blank cami w/ a white sweather over it and my beige sweater, 3 inch heals
What's On Your Mousepad?: no mousebad
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yes
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Magic?: yes
Love at first sight?: no
God?: yeah but he's not for me
Satan?: yes
Ghosts?: yes
Santa?: yes
Evolution?: no
Fav Eye Color:: depnds on the boy but I prefer brown
Fav Hair Color:: depends on the boy but I prefer brown
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: not too much cushin for the pushin
Best Clothing Style:: depends on the boy
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Germany
Number Of CD's I Own:: over 200
Your Good Luck Charm:: my star in my purse
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4 but 3 of them always end up on the floor
Do you drink milk?: yes, preferably chocolate milk
Person You Hate Most:: Eric
Most Outdated Phrase:: What the Fuck? but I still use it all the time
Do you think God has a gender?: lol... yeah isn't he a guy?
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven or Hell
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: time machine so I can fast forward through the hard times. But, maybe its good they don't invent it because I might overuse it
Are you a health freak?: no
Are you a virgin?: haha... no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Pluto
What is the worst weather?: ice storms
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes and I still have them... My Pappy saved them
How many grades have you failed?: none
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