In memory of John rocco ziegeler
Son of Peter R Ziegeler and Judith C Ziegeler.
Brother of Peter W Ziegeler and Nicole M Ziegeler.
Grandson of Peter J Ziegeler and Florence C Ziegeler.
Loving uncle of Julia N Coyle.
BroIn-law of Donna L Ziegeler and Chris E Coyle
John Rocco was a great person. He had many friends and a lot of people respected him.He touched many people’s lives. He will live on thru stories, memories.
We must keep his memory alive and cherish every moment we had with him.
Unfortunately John was addicted to drugs and no one knew how badly it gotten.Not even his family members that seen him everyday. I think he even brainwashed himself to believe he didn’t have a problem. If you know someone that does drugs and mixes drugs that shouldn’t be mixed talked to them about it. Or if you do drugs talk to someone about it go to your family or friends or even look up info on the internet. Get the help you need. Life is precious.
I have a lot of great memories with my big brother.
I remember my first day of kindergarten he walked me to the class room and said ok here’s your class don’t worry if you need me I’ll be on the same floor. And from that day on he was always there when I needed him no matter what.
Like the time I was in Christy’s car with Christy and Allison we were driving around then I guess Christy’s x boyfriend at the time started following us so we headed towards my house before we got there I called Rocco and he came outside with the phone well the guys in the car got scared lol. But he came right out because I needed him.
Or when I was younger sometimes I would get scared to walk in the house at night in the dark. So when I use to have to go to the bathroom I would wake Rocco up and ask him to walk me to the bathroom and he would and not even get mad that I woke him up.
I’m thankful I had him apart of my life for 24 years. We had been thru so much together. So many talks. So many jokes. So much advice. I will cherish every moment I had with him. Even our little fist fights when we were kid’s lol.
I’m extremely sad that my big brother is gone. But if we all share our stories and memories he’ll live on thru all of us.