Pony,The Rocker, profile picture

Pony,The Rocker,

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"myspace graphicsAdd to My Profile | More Videos ........My BAND is out of Tampa,Fla........... It"s Called......Udecide, (All Orginal Music).Check out My Mysic Pages,,,The Links Are....( MYSPACE.COM/UDECIDE2ROCK ) ( MYSPACE.COM/PONYTHEROCKER ) I hold a 2nd Brown belt in Kenpo & a 1st in Tae Kwan Do. Im the Coolest MFer you"ll know, But if you piss me off I"ll Kick your ass! Im so Bad, I kick my own Ass, LOL. I love 2 FLYAWAY at... (Vegas Indoor Skydiving) in Las Vegas,NV,200 Convention center Drive So if you like 2 jam ,Party or Fly, Lets Talk. UDECIDE.............My Heros............... Batman,Wonderwoman,Spiderman,Superman,Jimmy Page,Eddie Van Hallen,Jimmy Hendrix,S.R.V,AND God, our Father........Specialhanks................. Id Like to Thank (Lead & Rhythm Guitarist) ,my Best Friend , Michael j. Hill,For the support,from the Begining. Standing by my side,Covering my Back,and covering my Ass! Jamin till our fingers fall off and the hand cramps. Learning the Guitar together. And many thanks to you Mike for,Turning me on to the YAMAHA GW50 Guitar performance Effector.(the greatest teaching tool ever made.)If it wasnt for the Yamaha,who knows where, we would be? Thanks for the Life of MUSIC. ..........Best friends Forever..............Thanks to.............Al Buttery,(Singer and Front man/Guitarist)For all the Hours of Praticeand trying to remain standing.,and the Music we Wrote.I would Also like to Thank ..................Steve Hall............ Thak you for Being a true Friend & being there,Even back in the day.you allways was there to Help.and thank you For,Backing me in my Buisness. Im Proud To be a Part of the Family.( SHARE THE LOVE ).Your The BEST!!!!!!!!!! .........Thanks to MOM & DAD.................. Thank you Mom & Dad for Kicking my ass,and keeping me from being a BRAT. You allways took care of me the Best you Could. Your the Best Parents EVER, I LOVE YOU ....OH YEA THANKS TOO My 2 Brothers......... Steve Hamric & Mark Hamric,For Also Kicking My Ass and Making me The Tough MFer I am Today. And Many Thanks to............ Brian Brown......AKA.......BAM BAM....... Thanks for All the Rockin Days.Hanging out at the shows.Jamin at your House,Party till Dawn. Wake up the next day,saying Did I Do THAT!......................................... ...and thanks for setting me up on.. MYSPACE. Thanks for all the Favors and Being a Friend. Thanks for Being MR.Storage.................Dude You are a awsome Friend. Keep on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

Check out My Mysic Pages,,,The Links Are.... MYSPACE.COM/UDECIDE2ROCK MYSPACE.COM/PONYTHEROCKER MY TEACHING TOOL Yamaha GW50 Guitar Performance Effector. /


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My Blog

Pony is still a Rockin M-Fer

I just moved to the STIXX,in the middle of nowhere. I"m having a hard time with work. Even as tallented as I am. So what I need the most is some Love & Support from my Friends. Post lots... of ...
Posted by Pony,The Rocker, on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 10:48:00 PST