Silhouette DreamsSilhouette Dreams’ first party was a huge success. Ms. Pie and Ms. Coco Brown set it off. They kept everyone well entertained. There were 6 girls total but they ran the competition off. It left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.
Slihouette Dreams are looking for Models * Adult Porn Stars * Strippers (male & female) * Go-Go Dancer and MORE!! PLAESE SEND FULL BODY PICS AND PH# TO [email protected]........... SILHOUETTE DREAMS Models are Elite Eye Candy Models, that pose for, Posters, flyers, calendars, events, and special promotions.Are models that are petite, slender, and sexy, and Tall, Thick, Brick House Show Stoppas. Models must be between the ages of 18-35,and be in good physical shape. Models must also be comfortable posing in Swimsuit,Lingerie, and revealing outfits. These are Eye Candy Models, so fashion and runway models, and models with diva attitudes need not apply found this.