as ive said, cars are my interest. i hate the utter thought of hybrids, but i guess i cant be so closed minded as to believe that technology doesnt change over time. my true automotive is classic mopar. i am in the process of reviving the stagnant gutted life of a 1971 dodge dart swinger, and on the side im trying to build and perform a 1993 vdub fox. dont judge bitch. my second love is german auto.......their electronics may be kinda shitty but those tight little suspensions and surprisingly untouchable endlessly moddable engines are something to cream over. im a bassist in a member challenged band. we have potential and given the right chemistry could really make a click, but we cant seem to keep a drummer or vocalist...and we seem to have a few motivational errors...mmm....ganja. anywho. oh yeah, and sex is fun...cause i had to throw in that uber testosterone driven comment in there. yup, totally.
two people. first off, i would kill to meet flea. not just because my passion is playing bass, but because the commitment and self expression flea bleeds through his music. the man is a fuckin god when he slaps around that bass, but he doesnt care. that bass is his stress relief, his shoulder to cry on, his unicorn, his self expression. second, angelina jolie...not because she is the ultimate epidamy of beautiful, but because her outlook upon life is so incredible. she seems to have this incredibly deep and witty outlook upon life, but she doesnt preach. she has had the shitty end of the stick since day one, but still seems to see the light of life. shes incredible.
the only one thing in this world that has ever been able to pull my frigid heart strings, pull me away from life and make me feel alive, isnt a person, but it is music. i seem to have a song for every little thing life throws at me, and can express and feel inspired by the expression of others through harmonic instrumentation. i love music, and no matter how much i suck at it, i still play it for that is the only true way i can express myself. yup, i do have a heart.
i love that world of cinema for the sheer amazement that can be generated others dreams and fantasies, myths and stories portrayed through others. i can even appreciate crapy movies. nothing else in the world brightens my day more than seeing a good idea, or even a shitty idea for that matter half-assedly put out by some jackass with no money and a lazy work ethic...presented in a disgustingly odace way, to truly show me that there will always be someone more pathetic than me in tis world. then i laugh, point, and feel good about myself, continue with my day...and make emo kids cry.
i hardly watch tv. its all one huge, elongated tampon, jock-itch, condom, and vd commercial occasionally interrupted by a little tidbit of some whiny female chauvenistic male repressing "im a women so i must make a mockery of my husband, and do EVERYTHING for my kids ad family, while also upholding a wall street job to prove that im not a second class citizen and that the 50's have flipped. and then theres this overweight whiney sex driven dickface lazy image of male, only ever in love with his favorite beer brand. and these anti-depressant perfect plastic bible-thumping 'god rules' driven children". it completely and utterly saddens me that our society has been degraded to what dumbass thing van will say to piss off his all powerfl retarded ex-cheerleader wife, while SHE soely takes care of their supposed "love child" while reba spends the half hour degrading her ex husband because, for te soul reason that because he has a penis, he is the soel benefactor behing their divorce. scrubs makes me giggle like a little girl though. yup yup yup.
honestly, i have only ever read about three books in full my entire lifetime. the reason? no, not because im a retard but beacuse i firmly feel that theres too much to make out of your life, day in and day out, to live and make your own stories and adventures, to waste your time reading about someones elses.
honestly i would have to say to say my brother is my hero. his life does nothing but shit on him. his love life does nothing but throw him curve balls, but that never seems to tamper him. he still realizes that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. that no matter what, there will always be air to breathe and life will always go on. he knows and has faith in the fact that if he stands on top of life even if hes at the bottom of the barrel slowly drowning in the purgatorious swabsof life, then eventually life will get better. there is nothing more admirable in this world to me than that.
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