History, Writing, Researching, Music.
Industrial, Speed Metal, digital hardcore. NO HORROR PUNK, OR EMO, OR POP ETC......
Full Metal Jacket Vietnam Surfin Bird Scene
To many to list.
Adult Swim, History Channel, Weather Channel, Twilight Zone, Outer limits, etc.
Bible, The Assyrian Exile: Israel's Legacy In Captivity by me, Poetry By Me, 1984 ,Missing Links in Assyrian Tablets, Ancient Iraq, Birth of Tragedy, Constantinople City of the Worlds Desire, History of Parthia, Parthia, History of Phoenicia, The Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel, Israel's lost Empires, The Tribes of Israel, Tender Twig, Ancient Mariners, Guns Germs and Steel the fate of human societys, Babylon Mystery Religion, Sabbath to Sunday, Time Machine, War of the Worlds, Food of the Gods, The Celtic Chuch In Britian, Annuals of the Four Masters, Lucifer Principle, Art of War, The Prince, The Odyssey, Iliad, The German Art Of War, The First Crusade, Ottoman Centuries, Lord's of the Horizon, Animal Farm, Russia and the Golden Horde, The Monks of War, A Genius for War, Naked Lunch, Nihilism Before Nietzsche, Genghis Khan, The Mongols, Jacobs Pillar, Traditions of Glastonbury, Abrahamic Covenant, Judah's birth right and Joseph's Septer, The Will to Power, The Complete Works of Josephus, Shakespear, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, Tracing Dan, Robert Frost Poems, Mein Kampf, The Balkans Since 1453, Vlad, Attila the Hun, Crescent and Cross, Ottoman Warfare 1500-1700, Mutany and Rebellion in the Ottoman Empire, The Janissaries, The Northern Crusade, France in the Making, The Hundred Years War, Allen Ginsburg Poems, Howl, The Chronicles of Froissart, The Satanic Bible, Fall of Constantinople, Inside the Seraglio, The Eastern Question, Rise and Rule of Tamerlame, The Saxon and Norman Kings, The Roman War Machine, T.S Elliot, The Post-Captivity Names Of Israel, The Glory Of The Stars, King Solomon's Temple, Strange Parallel, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Prehistoric London, America B.C., Bronze Age America, Amerike: the Briton Who Gave America Its Name, Peoples, seas and ships, Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition, The Phoenicians and the West : Politics, Colonies and Trade, Before Columbus: The new history of Celtic, Phoenician, Viking, Black African, and Asian contacts and impacts in the Americas before 1492, Travel in the Ancient World, EPHRAIM - The Gentile Children of God, Common Background of Greek and Hebrew Civilizations, Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians, Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria, History of the Persian Empire, Persian Wars, Herodotus, Mehmed the Conqueror and his time, Edger Allen Poe, Any William Burroughs books,The Laws of the Second Coming, Western Europe in the Middle Ages 300-1475, A Distant Mirror, Jews under Parthian Rule, A History of God, Phoenician and the Danites, A history of Evil, Secrets of Golgotha, People that history forgot, The temples that Jerusalem forgot, James the brother of Jesus....etc
God and Satan