To have intelligent conversations and also the dumbass, absurd ones. Watching and at times performing improv comedy at the UCB and the PIT (it's not standup!). Writing. Acting. Travel, Traveling, and anything about being a vagabond. Film. Dark Beers. European Soccer. Formula 1. Baseball. Football. Drumlines. Driving tractors. New York City. Music. Creating all sorts of emotions. Beaches and cliffs.Italia. Zio Alfredo's Vespa. Stunning photography. Family. Friends . ... and even watermelon.
Movers and shakers.Check out my video right below. It's about my phenomenal experience while I was teaching in China.
Many...look at the playlist.
I love film.
30 Rock, Scrubs, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, House, Entourage, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Lost(I guess). I also tend to watch many shows on the Discovery Channel, History Channel, Travel Channel, and National Geographic.
Fabio Volo, Paulo Coelho, Pablo Neruda, The Little Prince, Dan Brown, End of Poverty, Killing Pablo, Italo Calvino, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Miracle of Castel di Sangro, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, Mark Salzman, Ciao America, any travel guide.... there's more...
Chicken Parm $5.75 Meatball Parm $5.00 Eggplant Parm $5.25 Sausage&Pepper $5.50 Potato&Egg $4.50