Likes: photography, friends, art, parks, horses, phones, computers, internet, sisters, kids, beach, sand, kites, fish, water, my room, grass, my car, summer, winter, being random, chocolate, texting, night, music, stars, rain, and most of the time my life. dislikes: when my car breaks down, liers, jerks, rules, slow internet, early morning, and sometimes my life.
i'm pretty sure that i've already met some of the coolest people around.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
basically everything: country, rap, christian, screamo, hip-hop stuff, it like it all!
eh, not so much into those things. But when i have time i like them to be funny, serious, romantic, suspenceful, or just anything with a good storyline.
psh, who has time for that?
I like to read any good book really. Basically, anything that will keep me intertained. or that's about a real life kind of thing.
My God, My friends, and My family. Shanna , is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. She is amazing in every way possible! Nicole, is another really amazing friend, she's fun to be around and hang around, and same with Kristi, they are all fantastic!