J-La profile picture


Apache, jumpony

About Me

Me is a pretty cool guy. Me has trouble maintaining 2 myspace pages, but tries his gosh darndest. Me blogs about personal stuff on his music page cuz me has a hard time following directions. Me is from Philly, with all of the inferiority complex and bitterness that goes along with that, but has lived in DC for over 5 years so some of the edge has come off. Me just got back from Prague, Budapest, Amsterdam and Western Canadia and wishes he could go back tomorrow.

My Interests

Music -- attending shows, writing/performing, listening to , sports (in order of preference: hockey, football, baseball, basketball, curling, jai-alai, hurling, ultimate fighting, trikocross -- motocross on a tricycle, thumb wrestling and standing broad jump) travel, politics, my Geo Prizm.

I'd like to meet:

You know, fans, groupies, admirers, wealthy benefactors, Phillies phans, but will settle for fun people who like to do stuff


Ben Folds, Arcade Fire, Kaiser Chiefs, Curits Mayfield, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, the Clash, Nickel Creek, the Roots, Arctic Monkeys, Belle & Sebastian, New Pornographers, the Darkness, Jill Sobule, Soul Coughing, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pixies, Robbie Fulks, Dar Williams, the Shins, XTC, Sherpa Underground


Recent: Murderball, Dave Chapelle's Block Party, Hustle and Flow, Spinal Tap, The Jerk, Iron Giant, Stop Making Sense, ET, The Shining, Evil Dead, When We Were Kings, Donnie Darko, Superfly, Life is Beautiful, Once Were Warriors


Blind Date is the only show that matters


Hey Nostradamus, We Regret to Inform You ... (Rwanda), White Noise, others I can't remember -- you know what they say about reading.


Liviu Lebrescu, Wayne Gretzky, Bugs Bunny, My Pops, whoever invented Crunch n' Munch

My Blog

Year 32 Recap

So, I'm 33 now -- and truth be told, I think year 32 (or was that technically year 33?) was a pretty darn good one. Travel Highlights: March - Trip to Prague/Budapest/Amsterdam June: Western Canada r...
Posted by J-La on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:04:00 PST