All.The.Cards.Begin.To.Stack.Up Twisting.Heartache.Into.Fine.Little.Pieces.That.Avoid.An.Awf ul.Crime. Still.Its.You.I.Cant.Deny
I'm the kind of person who can just pick any random book off the shelf and read it. My kind of book is one that takes me on an adventure, and makes me feel as if I can put myself into the story; Books that are about real life situations and such. However, no names really come to mind because I haven't really read anything spectacular lately. I pretty much just go into a store and pick out a bunch of random skateboarding magazines, and then I'm set... transworld skateboarding is pretty great and of course concrete powder, maxim, revolver, and Guitar Magazine. HECK YES!
That would have to be......
my bitches from Fallen Through guys amaze the fuck out of me...