**~rJaY~** profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

im Romilo joseph Grana.My friend call me Rj...i Stand 5'7 inch short.i HavE br0wn eYz.im dA kind 0f pErs0n Nah aYaw mAb0red..iM oLwAyz on thE go...they saY im Vain.Yah dey r ryt..Ayoko kXe nAng MadUme..sPeciaLy sA Mga gaMet ko..and Lal0 na Sa sKuL Unif0rm k0 aYok0 nG NaGugUs0t..sUpLad0 dAw ak0..pRo sBi lAng niLa uN..I love my friEnds m0re thAn aNythiNg in the world.... I loVe the feeLing of beiNg in loVe, caRing for soMeoNe, beiNg dorky, haVing time to myself. i love feeling comfortable and safe with friends and the few i care about very much... i love life and living it and learning new things everyday. i loVe feeling like im gr0wing as a pers0n and seEing that in my life. i love staying up all night and talking on the phone or spooning with friends or gurlfriends... i love kissing and hugging and holding hands. i love being able t0o laugh and laugh at myself and i love when other people can laugh at me too0(sometimes). i love i d0nT likE Lier And pLastiC pip0L.dAmn tHey R gEtTinG oFF my nErvEs..i dont liKe pip0L hU mAkinG fUn oF me...f0r mE im da Kind oF pErs0n hUs fUn t0 bE with aNd Ez t0 gEt Along..**d0nT jUdge meh c0z u Dnt kn0w me**--s0me pip0L miSunDersto0d mYaTtitUde,s0me pip0L g0t hUrT Da wAy iTaLk,s0mE pip0L g0t AngRy c0z oF mYiNdifErEncE....bUt Dats Da rEaL mE & id0nt nEeD to pRetEnd Juz 2 pLeasEaNyb0dy............
This profile was edited with pimpinyoursite.com Editor

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

pEopLe wh0m i hAvE cr0sSeDPaThS wiTh iN thE pAst 18yRs of My LiFe...Ü


_____*s0ng tHat sTucKs iN mAh hEad*________**hiPh0p s0ngs** -cAndysh0p-50 cent -disc0 InfErn0-5o cEnt -girL figHt-bRokE VaLenTinE -dAmn-y0ung bLo0dz -its LikE tHat-mAriah CarEy -i g0t whAt u nEed-eVe -mAgic sTicK-5o cEnt -1,2 step-ciArra -s0LdiEr-dEstinYs chiLd -s0mE cUt-triLLeviLLeBONE THUGS N HARMONY2 PAC"HIP HOP & RnB".. width="425" height="350" ..


national treasure,,half past dead,,resident evil"apocalypse",,mAtrix"reloaded",like mike,,2 fast 2 furious,,the passi0n of thE crist,,walking tallthe notEbo0k,,american weddingsimone,,naked weapon,,8 mile,,catch me if u can,,princess diaries2,,garfield,,maid in manhatan,,the incredibles,,down with love,,the godfather1,2,3,,scarface,,remmber the titans,,daddy day care,,under w0rld,"""many to mEnti0ns""""


.. width="425" height="350" ..


"jEsUs and mY anGeL,mY FOLKS "