About Me
i kiLL piPoL 4 liVing... im a freAk bUt n0t a wEaK... i miGht LuK small bUt BIG unDerNeAth... u dNt thInK am attRactiVe, bUt teL u wAt am owEiz aCTiVe... bReAk my HEaRt and i'L bReAk Ur nEck... tOUch my biRdiE and i'L f**k uR sh*t!!! %D%A%D%AseRiOusLy, im a siMpLe person w/ goOd sense of humor!..im all aboUt fUn enjoying my tiMe on tHe pLanEt... i jaz enjoy lifE w/o swEatiNg the smaLL stUff!!.. %D%A:p.. ........