My name is Daniel John Maag, I am 44, no kids; 6' 8" tall and weigh 305lbs. I am an Aircraft Avionics Technician, which basically means that I am a Airplane Electrician. My job is to troubleshoot and repair all the electronic and electrical equipment that is on-board and aircraft that enables it to fly, navigate and communicate. I am currently employed at L3/Crestview Aerospace.
I was born in Boulder Colorado , but after my father died when I was 3, I moved to Texas , where I spent the remainder of my childhood up to my teen years growing up in Bellmead Texas . I went to Collage at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York where I got a degree in Computer Science. I then joined the US Air Force and serve 8 years active duty and I got to spend 3 years in the UK , 3 years in Germany and the last 2 back here in the states. After I got out of the Air Force, I have lived and worked in many different states as an Avionic Tech. Contractor. I am now currently living and working in Crestview Florida .
I am one of four children; I have an older sister, and older brother and a younger sister. Unfortunately for me, both me parents are deceased. My father died when I was just three years old and my mom passed away 6 years ago on Easter weekend. I truly believe that as long as you keep their love and memories alive in your heart and soul, that even after your loved ones leave this world, they are still with us everyday of our lives. I lived a vary normal childhood, never too spoiled, in fact my mother had a firm belief that if you worked at your goals and dreams, than when you achieved them, your rewards would be greater than if you were handed everything on a silver platter.
I am still vary active in recreational sports, in fact I enjoy a variety of outdoor and indoor activities to include: Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Golf, Snow and Water Skiing, Sailing, White Water Rafting, Mountain Biking, Rugby, Horseback Riding, Hiking, Camping and Swimming - as well as, Writing Poetry, Reading, Dancing, Cooking and just spending quality time with friends and family.
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