braindamage @ ONvinyl 4
Within is a new label created from the mind of a true electronic music fanatic. Locating here in Detroit in the mid-nineties, Brandon was instantly submerged into the sound and culture of the underground rave society. Techno is certainly a Motor City creation. You could say that "two worlds collided" to form the infamous Detroit party scene. Thousands of kids from the suburbs commuting to the most inner parts of the city to dance to the hypnotic sounds of Detroit residents like Juan, Kevin, Derrick, and all of the others who pioneered our scene. Eventually, the sound caught on in other major cities across the country and all over the world. Today... we are all part of global electronic music community. Brandon is particularly fond of the midwest scene including Chicago, Cleveland, and the D. Of course, regular trips to Pittsburgh and on to New York and DC were common place throughout the mid and late nineties. He... like many others... experienced things that the average person couldn't begin to understand. However, everyone must grow up sometime. The ones that don't unfortunately are denied a happy ending. The music... that is all that matters. After everything else goes away the passion for the music remains. Brandon has "found his strength in the sound, and made his transition". The creation of the unique within sound originates inside his mind and soul. Many sleepless nights have been the breeding ground for his music evolution. The within sound of early 2007 is gone. You can call what you hear whatever you want... Brandon isn't interested in genre debates. He just loves good music. As a producer, dj, designer, and enthusiast within's founder has had his hands full. He has run every aspect of his label since the beginning... but you haven't scene anything yet. 2008 will be a year of growth and opportunity. Prepare yourself for some of the sickest music to come out of the Motor City in a long time. One more thing... if you haven't noticed the beautiful woman to the left... her name is Tanya. She is within's behind the scenes person. She is also Brandon's fiance. Like him, she has a passion for electronic music. Tanya has provided much needed support and encouragement for this endeavor in many ways... without her this wouldn't have been possible. Brandon is truly a blessed man to have her in his life. Within is about the shake the foundation of the global electronic music community. The future is now! Join us on a journey far within.magda @ movement 08 Detroitrichie hawtin @ movement 08 Detroit part 2
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