NiKKi profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i like the color pink. im addicted to flipflops. havaianas. banana peel. go karting. jetskiing. sleeping. eating. although im not gaining any weight. candies. especially lollipops. blow pops. strawberry ice cream. kimy jelly tongue. cakes. starbuck's oreo cheese cake and chocolate cake. molten chocolate cake of chilis. watching movies or better yet having a movie marathon with my friends. neoprints. playing with our two labrador pups. fincher and zoe.

My Interests

sLeePiNg, EaTiNg, WaTcHiNg tV, WaTcHiNg MoViEs, HaNgiNg OuT WiTh My fRiEnDs, ShOpPiNg, ShOpPiNg AnD MoRe ShOpPiNg!!!ü


HiP hOp, RnB, aLtErNaTiVe, i LyK bEiNg EcLeCtiC...ü


EVER AFTER, NeVeR BeEn KiSSeD, LiLo AnD StiTcH, LOTR tRiLoGy, mAtRiX tRiLoGy, JuSt mArRiEd, sErEnDiPiTy, PiRaTeS oF tHe cArRiBeAn, AnGeR MaNaGeMeNt, SwAt, hOt cHiCk


ChArMeD, SmAllViLLe, aLiAs, cSi, GiLmOrE GiRlS, 7th HeAvEn, PuNk'D, FaStLaNe, JaCkAsS, LiZzIe McGuIrE, WhOsE LiNe iS iT AnYwAy?


i DoNt HaVe ThE PaTiEnCe tO rEaD bOoKs eH... EsPeCiALLy ThE tHiCk OnEs... iM mOrE iNtO MaGaZiNeS...ü