Writing, (usually perverse, glum and suspenseful) Art (Surreal, Escapism, absurdity, malice) Reading, fantasy, Norse,Egyptian, space & time, Forest Wandering, Grave plundering, Night vagabond, UMMM i do like to eat food; drinking juice is fun 2, crude absurd humor, clubbing (rare), singing, fashion, Archaic weapons, Mortuary Science, Causing mischief, Lewd indulgences, time machines
href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank".. Photobucket" href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank" .. src="http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u287/CrueltyDivineX/ ninahagen-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"love is absent matter the mind reads what the heart deems, love is best at its peak; deceitfully passionate for something meant in another feeling. Surely cloud 9 has its reprocussions; Maslow never intended a mutual bond, just an unrequited one way fond. I say thee to be a fad, what i believe from thou is fowarningly sad, my passion thus false but i am glad, i will cum red roses stright to hell.
Strictly Black, Death, Thrash, Melodic, folk, viking, dark wave, goth, doom, industrial, agrotech, trance, electronica,Synthpop, EBM, opera
Paradise Lost: John Milton, Heart Of Darkness: Joseph Conrad, Dr Faustus: Christopher Marlow, Metamorphosis: Franz Kafka, Cabel: Clive Barker, As I lay dying: William Faulkner, The book of the law, Vison and voice, Moonchild: Alister Crawley, The Aeneid, Iliad, The Odyssey,HP Lovecraft in general, Gulliver's Travel: Johnathan Swift, Divine Comedy:Dante Alighieri,Crime and Punishment: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Invisible Man: Ralph Ellison, J.R.R Tolkien,War and Peace: Leo Tolstoy,Canterbery Tales, Neversereph, The visonary: Me!!Poetry: Strictly Poe, Marlow, Dylon Thomas, John Keats.
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