im going to collge,
You Are Olde English
Drinking is more than a hobby for you. It's your favorite drug.
When you drink, you want to get wasted. As quickly and cheaply as possible.
Looking back on your best times drinking... well, you don't remember them at all.
You may be a few brain cells short, but you still can chug a 40!
What's Your Beer Personality?
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What is your Spirit Creature ?(Mythical creatures Pics!!)Mystical Cat
You have the soul and the heart of a warrior.You value Truth/Honesty because it takes courage to tell the truth sometimes. You are Brave, and you never back down. As the Mystical cat, you don't fight for no reason, only in what you believe in. Within you eyes , all you emotions show. That is truly where your heart lies. Strength is in trust and honesty.
Stone:Tiger Eye
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What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics]
Your word is: Numb. You may have felt much before, maybe even too much. But now there is nothing or hardly anything left of the emotions. Emotional pain is probably the cause of this, but it's not like you care. To you everything is meaningless, life is without flavour and you wonder when it will end. Though you hardly feel sad, you aren't seen happy so often either. Perhaps someday you will be brought back to life.
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I'd like to meet:
i woulnd like to meet 50 cent
i would like to meet pink, snoop dogg, dr dre,
What Franky Means
F is for Freckles
R is for Rabbit
A is for Adorable
N is for Number One
K is for Killer Smile
Y is for Yummy Lips
What's Your Pet Name?br>
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Buried at PhotoCasket.comShawn Michaels
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rap, rock, christen music,
all types of moviescenter>
i do not like books