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30,000 Music Video Codes | MySpace LayoutsMy girl Lisa Lavie performing "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis.. MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Ghandi DISCLAIMER: Please do not try and use religion or your specific beliefs as an EXCUSE to be a close-minded, hypocritical, bigotted, asshole preacher to me. Your attempts will be futile.... I am above that and am completely happy with my life and the way I live it. If you have a problem with the things I do or the way I live then put a nice word in for me to YOUR God... because MINE loves me JUST THE WAY I AM. Period. He and I are on the same page in my book and your input is not needed nor wanted here. - Free SurveyHere's to the crazy ones; the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers; the round pegs in square holes; the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you cannot do is ignore them because they change things; they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as crazy, we see genius: because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world.... ARE THE ONES WHO DO! Here's to the 'radical few'. ......................................................... I'm atheltic, edible,affordable, adorable, and totally secretive. I gaurantee discretion. You'll barely get a mention in the story of my life I promise. I have no regrets.... You shouldn't regret anything you have done because at one point in time it was all you ever wanted. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so love the people who treat you right, forget the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it... If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it'd be worth it! I believe firmly that everything happens for a reason. I've been told before that I'm a beautiful disaster. I'm an under-confident overachiever; an organized mess. I have a distraught focus, a transparent shield, a blind vision. I'm a brave coward, a trusting skeptic, an open book filled with blank pages. I'm an idiotic genius, a sane maniac...really, just a paralleled contradiction. A master of mess-ups, a silent speaker, filled with weak strength. I'm a peaceful radical, full of joyful melancholy, a successful failure. I'm knowledgeably naive. I'm uniquely common, and uncommonly unique. I'm traditionally modern, with a heart that's softly solid. I'm a consistent reinvention. I'm alert yet unsuspecting, sympathetically misunderstood, and fiercely gentle. But, in all, I'm unhappily happy to be perfectly imperfect. I like to dance but I'm white. I'm nocturnal, but I love staying up til the sunrises. I think I have some ADD going on. I want to go everywhere and see everything, but fundage is low and until it's free room and board I'm stuck. Lots of money is needed and donations are aprreciated and most certainly accepted. I hate that I love the world, and I love that the world hates me. I have many nicknames but you can call me whatever you want.... I really don't give a crap and I'll honestly probably answer to it. Most people call me Natalie... which works out pretty well because that is what is printed on my birth certificate so.... I'm an extremely diverse person with a very open mind... I will try anything once... and if I like it I'll do it again.... sometimes even a third, fourth, or twelve-thousandth time just to be sure.... I have access to a state of the art Southern accent.... I'm not together but I'm getting there. My eyes water when I laugh. I am not particulary femme but I have a group of girls that constantly ride the waves of estrogen and remind me I am of their gender. I am incredibly affectionate and playfully violent. I often fantasize about how oh so cool it would be if the world were an animated cartoon.... I feel lost sometimes but I always know what I want. I'm gonna shine til my light is gone. Maybe I'll get burned... or even burn out... but I'll never fade. I believe it's harder to tell someone that you are IN LOVE with them than it is to say 'I love you.' I plan to travel all over the world. I want to see every inch of every continent. I have a list of things I want to do and places I want to go before I die and I plan on fulfilling it. My ultimate dream is to make enough money where my family will not have to worry about it.... I tend to be too nice and to care too much. I am a magnet for hurt. I love deeply and feel things in massive quantaties. I smoke life and drink happiness. I'll do anything for anyone.... even if I don't know you I will still try. Some say it's a blessing... :-X If I walk away from you, you will most likely have to run after me.... shouting after me will not work. I love a good dose of sarcasm and laughter in obscene amounts. I am a die-hard JFK fanatic. I cannot drive in high heels or sleep with a sheet in between me and the covers. I am, to put it lightly, fascinated by left-handed people. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my family!!! MY MOM ROCKS!!! I'm a freak (take that as you wish). I love BASKETBALL, sports in general: playing and watching, Sailor Jerry, Famous Stars and Straps, Chacos, Crocs, first time, flip flops, Burberry perfume, Abercrombie & Fitch, sun tans, rubber bands, ankle bracelets, necklaces, shaving (everything), cheese whiz, new love, old friends, Fruit Roll-Ups, Applebee's Fiesta Lime Chicken, Baskin Robbins Cappucino Blasts, bad jokes, Bible verses, TATTOOS, piercings, sweatbands, the Apocrphya, gnosticism, bright colors, candles, climbing trees, cold sheets, garage sales, thrift stores, hemp, sweet tea, North Carolina (the state not the school :-X grrrrr!!!!), Starbuck's Frappacinos, concerts, chapstick, pajamas, hoodies, yelling at random people I don't know, making fake SEX NOISES really, REALLY loud in very, VERY public places, riding on top of car hoods and roof tops, swimming naked, hearing an old song you like, Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supremes and Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, blasts from the past, coincidences (the good kind), going out to eat, catching up, moving on, moving around, moving up, laughing, purses, love, 'good tims' :-), randomness, screaming out of car windows, TEXT MESSAGES, water, head shops, homemade things, road trips, cameras, pictures, driving, 8 ball, beaded jewelry, comfortable shoes, McDonald's Double-Cheeseburgers, guys in bands, wearing no underwear [sometimes], eyeliner, colored pencils, crayons, destroyed jeans, DUKE, lotion, the internet, TOAST, email, iPods, being around people I heart, hearing a song you like for the first time, proving people wrong, socks, rising above, breakfast cereal at anytime but breakfast, reading a good book, the feeling you get when you've READ a book, PSYCHOLOGY, saying words I think sound weird, fire, 'home cookin', surprises, presents, being in good company, making someone else happy, HAVING SEX, The North Face, being barefoot, midnight snacks, Hot Topic, marking things off on a 'To Do' list, Aeropostale, Hobby Lobby, Target, sports card collection, Huggababy's house, Nicholas's room, being hugged, riding with the windows down, ANGELINA JOLIE, watching the sunset before a night of uncertainty, driving under the influence, searching for religion and what it really means, new music, gimmic junk food, college sports, the depth of being shallow, the shallowness of being deep, breaking the mold, fruit, granola bars, salad, SLEEPING, the smell of the tanning bed, :o), CANDY, orange juice, Lucky Charms, raw cookie dough, local shows, moshing, good seats at a concert, ranch dressing, SONG LYRICS, orange juice, Snapple Apple, photography, random people, HANDS, kittens, Nalgenes, puppies, turtles, zodiac, world travel, perfume, air conditioning, my DVD collection, bananas, bandanas, hardcore kid style, ART, directing my free time in the direction of buying second and third hand objects and garments. I don't make love casually unless it's with you so don't ask. I am a rebel but not the southern kind. I love laughing so hard I cry and making other people laugh so hard they can't breathe. I love to drive barefoot, sitting Indian-style, or with my foot propped up on my mirror... I HATE HATE HATE FEET and BREAKFAST!!! :-P Silence is golden.... ducktape is silver. Remember that. Anyone who already knows me knows that I am sarcastic and you should not believe a word I say. The only parts of this that are true are those that are written in BRIZZOWN! :o). ....................................... You aren't going to be her first, maybe not her last, and possibly not her only. She's loved before, she probably will again, but if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect. You aren't either, but the two of you can be. If she can make you laugh at least once, cause you to think twice, and admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She's not going to be thinking about you every moment, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you could break.... her heart. Don't hurt her, don't change her, and don't expect more than she can give you. Don't analyze. Smile when she makes you happy, yell when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there. No one is perfect but there's always one girl that is perfect for you. ............................................................ ............ Being flexible is important. If you rigidly stick to your pre-planned goals, you may miss many messages from your intuition telling you how to make things simpler. If you find yourself resisting doing something, stop and ask yourself what you would rather do instead. It may be that it is not the highest way to go or it may be the wrong time for you. If you trust and act upon your feelings from moment to moment, you will be flowing with your intuition and the universe. .............................Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone. --Miller Williams ...............................When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much. - Fen-Yang .... ............................................................ ...... .. "The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non-attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances." Atisha - 11th century Tibetan Buddhist Master .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Myspace Layout Stealer

My Interests

.. .. J'ADORE: .......................................... YOU warm hearts warm hands warm baths tattoos piercings left handed people celebrities sports ANGELINA JOLIE DUKE men's college basketball Chicago Cubs Lady Vols basketball Tennessee & NFL football art extreme sports religion UNICEF and UNHCR rafting biking reality TV comedy college life partying [sometimes] street signs MUSIC world travel Australia the beach ocean life & animals philosophy psychology Florida surfng Cali eating sleeping sex Fruit Roll-Ups cereal cartoons mexican food different languages and cultures adoption AIDS epidemic death mental disorders MS, cancer, and Alzheimer's research my cell phone Africa acoustic guitar email crotch rockets classic muscle cars my family & friends .......................................... JeDETESTE: Pet Peeves: USING RELIGION AS AN EXCUSE HOMOPHOBIA closed minds remixes losing stuff DRAMA body hair FEET WHISTLING humming bigotry self-centeredness selfishness incessant tapping overripe bananas unneccessary noises ignorance trying too hard being fake high pitched noises liars saying one thing and doing another saying things you don't mean being strung along smacking popping gum MOUTH NOISES carpet in bathrooms not getting the hint SLURPING ..

I'd like to meet:

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” -- Rumi There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love will not throw down; no sin that enough love will not redeem... It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; how hopeless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world... God, ANGELINA JOLIE, Jarvis Majors, Rumi, Ghandi, Khalil Gibran, JAVY LOPEZ, Tommy Pickles, Bill Cosby, CHANNING TATUM, Robin Williams, Jack Skellington, Dory, Pacha, Patrick Star, Hamburglar, Oscar the Grouch, Jack Sparrow, the Ninja Turtles, Steve Urkel, Topanga, Satan, the Care Bears, Long John Silver, Superman, Granpa Joe and Willy Wonka from the movie, Screech Powers, CRISS ANGEL, Shanna Zolman, Rose McGowan, Marylin Manson, Elvis, storm chasers, thrill seekers, art freaks, Natalie Ramsey, Mandy Musgrave, Travis Barker, Tony Hawk, Carey Hart, David Beckham, TRENT TOMLINSON, Jimi Hendrix, JFK, Melissa Peachey, Bam Magera, Ville Vallo, Dick Tracy, Will Ferrell, Tony Montana, Vince Vaughn, Pink, Tommy Lee, M. Shadows, Lenny Kravitz, Ben Harper, JJ Redick, Shane Battier, Snuffalupogus, David Blaine, Inspector Gadget, Johnny Depp, Mike Krzyzewski, Astro from the Jetson's, Mort on Madagascar, Puss in Boots, Pauly Shore, He-Man, Buckwheat, Little Debbie, Betty Crocker, Lucky the Leprechaun, Mister Rogers, The Big Bad Wolf, my soulmate.... I'm interested in meeting the good, the bad, the ugly, the bold, the beautiful, the stupid, and the insane. Music lovers, free-thinkers, anti-socials, party animals, losers, grad students, high school drop-outs, drama queens, free floaters, those with gypsy spirits, criminals, martyrs, hippies, rastas, those smitten by love and those who loathe it, people who wear heels, highwaters, or Chucks, boys who wear lipstick or eyeliner, as well as those interested in being corrupted, eye candy, and those who share my addictions. Most of all I want to be someone's FAVORITE HELLO and HARDEST GOODBYE... I want to meet someone that proves me wrong about everyone being the 'same' with me about love... .. ___________________________________________________________ "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light and everybody goes *sigh*!" - Jack Kerouac .. .... ..


Sources for data are:

World Population: US Census Bureau

Population growth rate: CIA World Factbook

Death stats: World Health Organization

Abortions: Wikipedia

Earth Temp: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Carbon Emissions: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Species Extinct: National Wildlife Federation

Oil Production: CIA World Factbook

Cars produced: Mation Master

Bicycle Production: Earth Policy

Internet Access: Internet World Stats..

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.. NATALIE = MUSIC WHORE ............... 3 Doors Down Avenged Sevenfold HIM Porcelain and the Tramps Yanou Adelitas Way Nural Depeche Mode Christian Turner Angie Aparo James Taylor Cold Dan Lavery Jeff Russo The Spill Canvas Disturbed The Darkness Bon Jovi LIGION Boys Like Girls Alkaline Trio Aerosmith Alex Parks The Exies Lexi Pierson Avril Lavigne Secondhand Serenade Cary Brothers The Black Keys Gas Station Robber Corey Crowder Ricky Valente Cross Canadian Ragweed Peter Bradley Adams Private Nailah Jonah Smith J Marie Cooper Jaimi Faulkner Jess McAvoy Julian Velard Rosie Burgess Kid Confucius Jeff Jacobson Casey Shea Andy Stocks Wes Hutchinson Brian Lotter The Ray Mann Three Robbie Seay Band Matt Hartke Tanya Buziak Tarrah Reynolds Ngaiire Joshua James Jessie Baylin Kings of Leon Candice Clark Evans Blue Remy Zero Augustana Colbie Caillat Jason Reeves Mazzy Star Secondhandheroes Eve to Adam Ingram Hill Hope Liz Phair Panic! At the Disco Saving Jane The Wreckers One Republic Aqualung Green Day Keith Urban Toby Lightman Absence of Concern Tina Turner Tim McGraw Jimi Hendrix Alice in Chains Nirvana Ari Hest Ray LaMontagne Gary Allan Adam Hood Lover's Ball Paradise Hills The Tony Rich Project Natalie Imbruglia Patsy Cline Missy Elliott Andrew Smith Breaking Point A Fine Frenzy Jaykub Douglas William Fitzsimmons Blake Lewis The Verve Pipe Coldplay Marvin Gaye Matchbox 20 Elvis Bob Marley Sterling Y Alanis Morrisette Ben Harper Bob Seger Kyle Cruz East of Innocence Jimmy Buffett David Ryan Harris Enigma John Mayer James Blunt Sublime Better Than Ezra Simon & Garfunkel NIN ACDC Def Leppard Tonic Closure Guns N Roses 12 Stones John Mayer Dave Matthews Band Sister Hazel Greenwheel Gavin DeGraw Sugar Ray My Chemical Romance Kenny Chesney Tori Amos Ani DiFranco Three 6 Mafia Papa Roach Norah Jones Stone Temple Pilots P!nk Underoath As I Lay Dying Destroy Destroy Destroy Dredg Hinder Seether Taproot Point of Grace MercyMe Third Day System of a Down Third Eye Blind Bush 50 Cent Hoobastank Julie Roberts Lifehouse Rob Thomas Theory of A Dead Man Tristan Prettyman SHeDAISY Creedence Clearwater Revival Candlebox Collective Soul Dixie Chicks Big & Rich The Doors Fleetwood Mac Garth Brooks Sugarland Jack Johnson One Lesson Reason 10 Years Prince Ricky Martin ADEMA Twista Usher The Beatles Train Jewel Counting Crows Casting Crowns Goo Goo Dolls Fall Out Boy Shinedown Smile Empty Soul Kelly Clarkson Coheed & Cambria Kid Rock Sheryl Crow Hootie & the Blowfish SpiderFighter Jason Mraz Egypt Central Jerry Lee Lewis Frank Sinatra Mindy Smith Griffin House Lane Turner Death Cab For Cutie Eric Church The Temptations Michael Jackson Bic Runga Barry White Staind Saving Abel ....Just to name a very few...... ..


The Witching of Ben Wagner The Jetson's Garbage Pail Kids Pretty Woman Up Close and Personal Girl, Interrupted Ice Age Tomb Raider I and II Shreks Robots Finding Nemo The Emperors New Groove The Goonies Liar Liar Dumb and Dumber Friday Aladdin Toy Story Dirty Dancing Juwanna Mann Anchorman Super Troopers Legally Blonde Ghostbusters Dick Tracy Saw Beaches Rocky Horror Picture Show Grease Drop Dead Fred Hook Steal Magnolias G.I. Jane Partymonster Fast and the Furious How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Walk the Line Varsity Blues Hoosiers A League of Their Own I Am Sam Encino Man Without a Paddle Harold and Kumar go to White Castle Little Man Tate Mr. and Mrs. Smith Gia Foxfire Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail Monster-In-Law The Crow EuroTrip Night at the Roxbury Daddy Day Care The Sandlot Son-in-law Soul Plane Madagascar Pirates of the Carribean Rainbow Brite Mean Girls The Nightmare Before Christmas Sweet Home Alabama Remember the Titans The Longest Yard The Waterboy Big Daddy The Notebook Waiting... Zoolander Van Wilder Wedding Crashers The Hot Chick A Time to Kill City of Angels Scarface Cry Baby Shawshank Redemption Fried Green Tomatoes Ace Ventura Napolean Dynamite The Brave Little Toaster Over the Hedge Little Mermaid Troy Beyond Borders Dodgeball Dogma Malibu's Most Wanted Hitch Little Monsters American History X What Dreams May Come Willy Wonka Mrs. Doubtfire Lion King Love & Basketball Wayne's World Baseketball Elizabeth Gone with the Wind Along Came Polly The Break-Up The Family Stone Wizard of Oz Shark Tale Good Will Hunting A River Runs Through It Original Sin Simply Irresitable.. .... .... .... ..


Saturday Night Live Mad TV The Osbournes Ellen Oprah The Osbournes Real World ATHF Family Guy Chappelle's Show ESPN Unwrapped Court TV Will & Grace Grey's Anatomy Desperate Housewives CSI's House ER Food Network Animal Planet Golden Girls USA High Saved By the Bell Growing Pains Spongebob Fairly Odd-parents Whammy Family Feud Wheel of Fortune The OC One Tree Hill Degrassi The Rosie O'Donnell Show The Cosby Show I Love Lucy Fear Factor music channels Laguna Beach Sesame Street Mister Rogers Are You Afraid of the Dark? Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? Ghost Writer Captain Planet All That Clarissa Explains It All GUTS Legends of the Hidden Temple Salute Your Shorts Travel Channel What Would You Do? Weinerville Kennan & Kel Boy Meets World Family Matters Tiny Toons Trading Spaces Game Show Network Discovery Health Channel Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fudge He-Man Care Bears Gummi Bears Winnie-the-Pooh Smurfs Fresh Prince of Bel Air Brotherly Love.. .... ......


.. "We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." -- Carl Jung Religious literature A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion Sociology of Religion Faith and Reason Six Seconds in Dallas To Kill A Mockingbird First Person Plural Message in a Bottle The Ranch The Giver Guess How Much I Love You Where the Heart Is Flowers for Algernon Goosebumps Dr. Seuss books The Power of Birthdays, Stars, and Numbers The Notebook The Rescue A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe Anything by Nicholas Sparks The Babysitter's Club Big Trouble The Search for God at Harvard Black and Blue Rabbi Rami Shapiro material The Outsiders Bernstein Bear's The Lovely Bones The World According to Mister Rogers


Jesus Christ My Mom Huggababy Ghandi Ricky Martin R.I.P. LIVESTRONG Khalil Gibran Rumi John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King Rami Shapiro.. ....
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MySpace Layouts ..

My Blog

LIFE in 147 words...

Autobiography In Five Short Chaptersby: Portia NelsonI I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in. I am lost ... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes me forever to...
Posted by Natalie" on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:26:00 PST


You know what disturbs me? Christians. I guess I could stop there but some people would probably like for me to explain... lol.... Soooooo:   Let me start off by saying that I went to Memphis i...
Posted by Natalie" on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:41:00 PST

10 Rules for Being Human....

Ten Rules for Being Human1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school...
Posted by Natalie" on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 05:29:00 PST

For you.

This reminded me of you: My right hand holds matchesMy left holds my pastI hope the wind catchesAnd burns it down fastI'm gonna step into the fireWith my failures and my shameAnd wave goodbye to yeste...
Posted by Natalie" on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:38:00 PST


I have been doing some research on HIV/AIDS and was extremely appalled when I discovered some materials that completely blew me away. I wanted to share this with you... because it is ridiculous and if...
Posted by Natalie" on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:27:00 PST


Sometimes, as I'm sure most, if not ALL of you know, the things you need the most are so obvious that you look beyond them, thinking that whatever you are looking for is so difficult to find that it c...
Posted by Natalie" on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 08:01:00 PST

Now comes the night....

When the hour is upon usAnd our beauty surely goneNo you will not be forgottenAnd you will not be aloneNo you will not be aloneAnd when the day has all but endedAnd our echo starts to fadeNo you will ...
Posted by Natalie" on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:23:00 PST

More than a Memory...

People say she's only in my headIt's gonna take time but I'll forgetThey say I need to get on with my lifeWhat they don't realize....Is when you're dialing 6 numbers just to hang up the phoneDriving '...
Posted by Natalie" on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 07:12:00 PST


Do you ever feel lost like you don't have a soul Like there's nothing there... just a big empty hole Like your only purpose in life has been defeated?Well doesn't it feel as if you've been cheated? We...
Posted by Natalie" on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:08:00 PST


Well... I did my Tarot reading for the first time in over two years the other night... For those of you who are not familiar with the Tarot, it is a deck of 78 cards that tell a story... each part has...
Posted by Natalie" on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 12:06:00 PST