About two years ago, I cracked open Terry McMillans book, Interruption of Everything and while the story was lackluster to me, what intrigued me was the main character in the book. Not necessarily who she was but what she did for a living. She worked in a jewelry craft store. She was making this piece for her friends birthday and she was trying to figure out the best way to close the necklace. For some reason this piqued my interest in creating jewelry, so I went to one of the many jewelry craft stores by my job and picked up some materials. Just the basic supplies needed for manipulating the findings and the stones and chain. I went home not having a clue what I was doing but after about an hour my first piece was made. From then on I was hooked!!! I knew instantly that there was no way possible that this new creative passion was just me. It could have only come from God as I had just started redeveloping my faith and I was back in church on a regular basis.
I knew it wasn't me when I started making and selling pieces to friends and coworkers and they would look at me in awe and say, "You've only been making jewelry for a few months? This looks like something that I would find in a boutique!!!"
Now I'm looking to expand on this God given gift. I create only one of a kind pieces, as The Creator created each one of us to be beautiful and unique. I work with leather, suede, different finishes of chain, hemp, precious and semi-precious stone. I've even gone as far as Italy to purchase beads as the island of Murano is best known for their beautiful and intricate hand made beads.
There's something for every woman on this page so enjoy and if there's something that jumps out at you in the gallery please feel free to drop me a note!!!