Duodramma esta formado por Roger G.( krosta ) y Alex P.( kone ),
que se juntaron por su afición al drum and bass...
Organizaron un kolectivo entre todos los amigos llamado
karrras System. En estas fiestas podias encontrar diferentes
estilos como hard-techno,scranhz,trance,acid,drum and bass,
etc...y organizaban free partys alrededor de Barcelona.
A raÃz de esto empezó ha extenderse por diferentes free partys
hasta empezar a entrar en alguna que otra discoteca de Igualada,
Barcelona y diferentes fiestas al aire libre. Esperemos que os guste
lo que hacemos y coincidir en alguna fiesta, atentamente Duodramma.
grácias por vuestro soporte!.......................................Duodrama is made up of Roger G. ( Krosta ) and Alex P.( Kone ), who were brought together by their passion for Drum and Bass.
They were founding members of a collective named Karrras System. At their free parties they played many different genres of rave music from hard-techno,scranhz,acid,acid-techno,psiktrance and of course Drum and Bass. After the success of their own free parties they were invited to Dj at other raves and were eventually given slots at established clubs in the city of Igualada,Barcelona and free party.
Duodramma is now a well seasoned festival act. We hope that you like what we do, and get to see us soon at a party. Until then you can check out our latest mixes online.Yours truely Duodramma. Thanks for your support!
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