Kaseno Chips profile picture

Kaseno Chips


About Me

INTERVIEW:VERA DAILY : The name KASENO, how did that come about ?KASENO : People from my community call me chips, KASENO was something i added to the name to illuminate my gambling lifestyle, KASENO CHIPS is my name as an artist but most people call me KASENO for short.VERA DAILY: why do you think so much people have a hard time getting exposure coming out of Toronto, with Toronto being the fourth largest city in North America ?KASENO: Well i don't really know the answer to that, but i know that hip hop and rap music was started in America ,so if Canadians are gonna make an impression on the American crowd, they either need to teach the world something new or support their own Canadian Talent. A lot of people in Toronto are too caught up in the hype to make original music , They mimic Americans, rather than providing something fresh and original. The fronting is another factor, a lot of people are using myspace play generators to promote their music, so the people who are really getting plays, are not showing significant numbers that will get them notice, their competing with joe bob who nobody knows while at the same time his profile says he got 5000 hits today. very few people today have a mind of their own, they need someone famous to tell them what is hot. Canada doesn't have any big players in the game that can find local talent and get them exposure so to progress here takes hard work and dedication, more so than the U.SVERA DAILY: I here you speak about the G.T.A a lot in your lyrics do you feel it is important to represent where your coming from as a new artist ?KASENO : Yes i do think it is important to represent where your from, because people need to be able to identify you, but when i say G.T.A i'm not talking about the greater, toronto, area. I'm talking about my movement G.T.A which means, gangster trained affiliates. This is a non violent non political movement that is designed to enrich black people. I feel that the white man has wounded black people with colonization and slavery, and asking for hand outs got Martin Luther King and Malcolm X shot, black people need to bring forward a new energy and put away the crab energy that has bin brought upon us by our oppressors, the dog eat dog mentality has to be destroyed, so that the youth can be more educated than us, so that they can come on the earth and make better decisions in the new millennium and anybody repin G.T.A is on the same page no matter what city they live in, that is what my music represents, so that is the message behind my music, if i flourish in this industry it is because black people around the world feel the same way i do. It's the people in the end that make me a star.! You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2007
Record Label: Grimestone Records
Type of Label: Indie