waking up early , working my ass of , being completely responsible , paying bills , sitting in traffic and BEING COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY SARCASTIC! Things im uninterested in are summer , the beach , having fun , music (unless country and western) , parties and spending the rest of my life in californiiiaaa califforniaaaa!!!! (note* the line about sarcasm)
All the blowout kids need to pay homage to the inventor of the snarl, the power fist, and looking damn classy.Everygoddamnbodyeverywhere!!!!!!
MY LOVELY BOO, (isnt she perty?)
mostly sex , drugs and ROCK&ROLL . but ill dabble in it all. NIRVANA, SUBLIME, THEDOORS, @ THE DRIVE IN , MANSON(ooooo! he's scary) STEVE DRUGS & THE COKEHEADS (really good band from southern Florida) GNR(without buckethead),......................and many more SHINY SHINY, SHINY BOOTS OF LEATHER.Take the quiz:
what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)
you are ketamine. special, trippy, outgoing and spiritual.
anything Steve Bushemi , zombie flicks, kiss kiss bang bang, crash, spicoli is the shit, APOCOLYPTO, 3:10 to yuma, there will be blood, jason statham flicks, zombie flicks, j.depp is the shit,
comedy central, prison break, reruns of seinfeld, the tube network, the soup, entourage, sopranos, family guy, MTV(pre 97), current channel
Y O U ' V E B E E N B O N E D ! ! !