if you wanna know... |
Ain't no sunshine - Bill Whithers(the same guy who wrote lovely day)
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long an... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 07:57:00 PST |
Dear Pierce Brosnan: Welcome to the B-List |
It smells like my younger days...but this sure as hell ain't my younger days.have you ever realized that "ol' reliable" was headed straight for a brick wall and this was the last stop pre-"crashtestdu... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 06:57:00 PST |
ow dude. |
it sucks when you know somethings great, but it's gonna go wrong in the end, but the whole time you don't want it to, and you tell yourself over and over that it won't, that despite the obvious reason... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:09:00 PST |
Sweet Tats Dude, Sweet Tats... |
so yeah, basically, here's a couple photos of my new tattoos.
yes, they both hurt.
yes, they're both worth it.
For Faith...
For Family...... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 09:26:00 PST |
"ain't no sunshine when she's gone..." |
the wind's whistling a sad saad tune tonight...
and the bad bloods flowing free...
"ain't no sunshine when she's gone..."
these electronic voiceboxes pump out the melody of a long-gone black man singi... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 02:55:00 PST |
...so I'll take these memories and move along |
I went back to the park where we met that night, and I stared at the swings we talked on...I looked across to the mountain we made out on...
I thought about how happy I felt those nights, and I smiled... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 04:07:00 PST |
goodbye to my brother... |
I wrote this earlier this morning, about an hour before my brother left for europe...
19 years ends today...in one hour life will never be the same...onward to the future and the untold trenches and t... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 01:18:00 PST |
"we're gonna stay 18 forever" (aka: a thank you letter to my past) |
I just saw two of my best friends on this world drive away to Portland, Or. ... and it sucks... alotbut I mean, that's life right, people come, people go, and I know I'll see them again someday ... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:29:00 PST |
I never thought a status change would hit me this hard... |
wow this sucks... &nbs
p; &nbs
p; &nbs
p; &nb... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
sleep through the daylight, and when night falls... well hell, that's up to you |
it's almost 4 a.m...I can't sleep, but then again, I haven't even tried, I don't think I care to though...fuck it, too much on my mind, and I don't want to let it go, it's kindof a half and half feeli... Posted by Albert is the Hospital. [heart of a lion] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |