Guns and shooting sports (especially Civil War skirmishing in the North-South Skirmish Association, ), politics, media, world affairs, prime cuts of red meat.
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Bear Killer
(You scored 33 Sheer Rugged, 9 False Manly, 3 Smarts!) 56/mt943362005.jpg
EEK! A perfect rugged score.You really know what it means to be rugged. To be a MAN. What it takes is WILL. You don't feel the need to prove nothin' to nobody. You do what you do and you DO it regardless of consequences. You're so rugged you're probably not even on the computer right now. Your manly essence is stretching far and wide, making people cry and taking internet tests all on it's own.You're made perfect for the hermit-man lifestyle. Don't shoot me. Please.
.. --t--Link.. --/t--: The Accurate Indicator of Mountain Manliness Test
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Thomas Jefferson, "Cump" Sherman, Gracie Slick.
Music? Yes! Eclectic here. Choose from: Grateful Dead, Blackwood Brothers, Jefferson Airplane/Starship, Statesmen, Janis Joplin, Beethoven, Cathedrals, Mozart, Beach Boys, Bones Apart, Gaither Vocal Band. In short, Southern Gospel, 60s/70s rock, classic classical - good musicianship in nearly any form. I love to sing, too. Sang bass in high school, college and community choruses as well as various quartets. I'll enjoy sitting through some musicals -- 1776 (rings most of my bellfry) Phantom of the Opera (the movie's better than the stage show) among them. But, sorry, culture mavens, send your opera and rap tickets to some more deserving soul.
Gettysburg, Gods and Generals, Spaceballs, Princess Bride, Ben Hur, The Meaning of Life, And Now for Something Completely Different, Men in Black, 1776, Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood - Men in Tights
Weather channel. History channel. Brit Hume on Fox and the morning crew on CNN. Most of the rest of it isn't worth the invested time.
Killer Angels; about anything Robert Heinlein ever wrote, especially Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land; the Bible as literature; whatever's next on my reading stack.
Delbert D. Strang, a fellow I wish you could have met; my son, Ben, whose unfailing courage in the face of adversity serves as a model for me every day. Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, John Peter Zenger (and the jury that nullified the law under which Zenger was tried and, in so doing, gave us a free press); Joshua L. Chamberlain, without whose instincts the War of the Rebellion might have ended differently; those millions of dads who get up and go to work so their families will not want for the necessities of life; those millions of moms who do the same thing; those millions of kids who struggle to better themselves and their stations in the face of all hell raging among us. Those thousands of teachers -- the good ones -- whose value will never be appreciated or rewarded. But as someone said, "Life is not fair." Do you do the right thing? Then you're on the list.