Vainglorious K.I.A. profile picture

Vainglorious K.I.A.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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MY HOROSCOPE--May 8, 2007
Venus, the planet of love, moves into Cancer, a sentimental zodiac sign. You might feel like staying home, which is great if there is someone with whom to cuddle. If you are alone, the next few weeks bring a craving for affection. Are you taken care of?

Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade...
Yea, it's been a while since since "Word Up" magazine but it's still "...all a dream". After a rocky transition from my hometown of Houston, TX to Lost Angeles, I can honestly say that the American Dream is quite attainable.
Sure, I've experienced my fair share of un-imaginable valleys amongst the peaks over the last year (call it "paying your dues"), but wouldn't trade the ride for anything.
I am currently focused on the development of a television show that I created alongside my ACE, Staci Harris called "All Work, No Play" . Oh, and it has been every bit of work getting this thing crackin, but best believe that we'll be busting through your t.v. screen very soon!

Check us out at MYSPACE.COM/ALLWORKNOPLAYONLINE or just click the pic above

My ultimate goal is to become a respected and note worthy film maker and eventually own and run my very own Film/TV/Music Production Empire! Yes, mafuqaz --this chic can read, write, chew gum and look damn good all in one blink.
**Let me get one thing straight to some of my future "friends"... it's my personal observation and firm belief life isn't about a hand out, or catching the quickest ladder into someone elses pockets. I'm self sufficient, and I have every right to force feed that fact to anyone I meet if necessary. I mean, why can't that be appreciated? Now, before all of my self righteous, misogynistic homies throw a fit --I don't support the whole bra burning, Miss "I-dont-need-no-man" crusade, but being a girl/woman/female can be extremely trying when people take one look at you and assume that you are this helpless kitten (meow) that needs an owner, or some clueless leech that is motivated by shiny things. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about..."Yea girl, I drive a __________, let me be yo manager..." Constantly being underrated and having to prove yourself time and time again while breaking necks to get the world to take you seriously for your talents, abilities, intellegence (as I ramble on...I can imagine the guys who soley came to my page to see a$$ and tittie$ growing tired of my bitch banter...don't worry, there are more pics in the gallary.)
Anywhooooo, I'm not here to preach to y'all, it just gets irritating sometimes. I'm really a laid back kinda girl-- nutty as squirrel sh!t tho. You better ask somebody, I'mma clown!! I love to laugh and simply enjoy life, that's what we're here for right? Ball and Parlay!! In my spare time, I LOVE: MUSIC, Watching cheesy B rated movies, Chasing the "Ice cream man", Reading is heaven, Making little artsy crap, Looking for "Mr. WTF was I thinking?", Watching basketball (Congrats A.I. for going to Denver!! Now you and Melo get in that ass this season!!), Traveling, Getting rich, Getting daeh, Herbal Essence, Writing my screenplays, Venting in my blogs, Healing the world, Being the bizness at clubs with the homegirls, Meeting new people, Trying to learn new things everyday, and SHOPPING!!! (high five if you're still reading this.)
Guilty Pleasures: Watching porn for shits and giggles, always rooting for the bad guy, and talking madd shit! Bad habits are hard to break.
HATE HATE HATE! Hate is a very strong word. That's why I use it a lot.
I HATE (in no particular order):
Racists, Possums, Roaches, Okra, Bad kids, People touching my ears, Liars, Politicians, The DEATH of Hip Hop, Old guys w/ corn rows, Meat, Fruity Soda, Poverty, Reality TV (with a special exception for "Flavor of Love". It's a train wreck), Fake hugs, Fake "what's up", Fake People, My Space frauds, Color Struck Negroes, G.W.B., Kendal Smith, "Motion of the Ocean" w/out "Size of Ship", KKK, Rapists, Stalkers, Batman 4, Booty-do, Black Mullets, People that take their pets in restaurants, People that don't wash their hands in the bathroom, Girls with low self esteem, Boys with low self esteem, Stress, Wine Coolers, Big Drawls, False Prophets, Closed Minded Religious Beliefs, Cold Weather, Inactivity, Being Broke, Ignorance, B.O., Terrorists, Radio Disney, Fake Beefs, Celebrity "Info" Magazines, Collagen Shots on Black People, My ex boyfriend that took back my Xmas gift, Snitches, Bullies, Bad Kissing, Black Licorice/ Jelly Beans, Littering and people that do it, Dead Beats, The Macarena, Typing..
For any additional info I'mma have to charge, so cop the memoirs or get at me.
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My Interests

It takes something "special" to hold my attention. Lately the world seems a little played out, so I currently thrive on the oddities of life and that which would prove to be an adventure; good or bad. I'm experiencing an exciting new chapter at my "ripe" old age; so give me fireworks and I'm good.What interests me is NEW SHIT.......

I'd like to meet:

All of you sexy bitches....

If you can't "SPEAK", don't ask to be friends


Stay up lil bro, you'll be home soon. E.O.M.S.


I love all types of music; hip hop, rap, indie--yada, yada. I'll get to a FULL list eventually.....(Skateboard P is in there somewhere with Prince, Michael Jackson, Zapp, Outkast, Nirvana, Mary J Blige, Clipse, Portishead, Isley Brothers, Nina Simone,

Gnarls Barkley, Beyonce, UGK, Jodeci, NAS, Pac, Biggie, Gwen Stefani, Lauren Hill, Sa-Ra, Tool, Radiohead

No Doubt, The Time, Bjork, John Legend, Peaches, Kelis, Rick James, Coldplay, Ludacris, Sade, Jay Z, NWA, Snoop, Mos Def.....)

My Blog

SLIDESHOW!! K&S @ Element"> name="wmmode" value="transparent">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent"> ...
Posted by Vainglorious K.I.A. on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:16:00 PST