Thrift shopping, tea drinking, book reading, beard loving, board gaming, punctuating, constant tissue preparedness, cheap records, aqua-colored kitchen items, fresh flowers, farmers markets, sideshow freaks, embellished sweaters, vintage furnishings, witty banter, the unintentionally funny and the fantastically terrible, cooking the food, eating the food, adding to my obscenely large wardrobe, laughing a rather lot, hoping I might write some stuff...
A two-bedroom apartment. That doesn't smell like the inside of Denis Leary's lungs.
Dr. Nancy (I highly recommend watching "Cosmic Pow Wow")
The Station Agent, Walking and Talking, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Harold and Maude, Rushmore, Lost In Translation, Waiting for Guffman, She's So Lovely, Casablanca, To Kill A Mockingbird, Almost Famous, Over the Top
Freaks and Geeks!!! Sifl and Olly, Twin Peaks, Arrested Development, Ali G, The Office, Stella, The Wire
The Things They Carried; Jesus' Son; Please Kill Me; Catch-22; Nine Stories; Geek Love; Traveling Mercies; Self Help; The Bell Jar; Very Special People; Witch Baby; Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging; Jane Eyre; Anastasia Krupnik; The Lonely Doll
Puffs Plus.