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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Orgulas Goodbody of Frogmorton
Passive fields. January two thousand and twelve.
A nation that stands alone.
Cold voices, faces pale,
gathered unto their judgement day.
Such words remain unspoken.
Such pride remains unbroken.
Just mothers to stand in vain and cry.
Tears and medals in the rain.
Shall I recall when justice did prevail?
No reason to be found why reason did fail.
The all clear resounding.
The way was clear to rebuild this land.
Shall I call on you to guide me well,
to see our hopes and dreams fulfilled?
On this day of our ascension.
Stand your ground this is what we are fighting for.
For our spirit and laws and ways.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
For heaven or hell we shall not wait.
Shall I think of honour as lies
or lament it's aged slow demise?
Shall I stand as a cold reminder
on this day in this stone chamber?
The all clear resounding.
The way was clear to rebuild this land.
Shall I call on you to guide me well.
To see our hopes and dreams fulfilled.
On this day of our ascension,
on this day we praise the fallen.
Stand your ground this is what we are fighting for.
For our spirit and laws and ways.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
For heaven or hell we shall not wait.
Shall I think of honour as lies
or lament it's aged slow demise?
Shall I stand as a cold reminder
on this day in this stone chamber?

Sieh diese Schar von Brüdern! Denn wer heute sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein!

My Interests

Musik, Panzer, II. WK, Feuerwehr

Musik drückt das aus was nicht gesagt werden kann und worüber zu schweigen unmöglich ist.

Who can say that your heart cry..s, when the love lies?
Only time

The Retrosic - The Storm

I'd like to meet:

I thought the future held
a perfect place for us
That together we would learn to be
the best that we could be
In my naivity I ran
I fell and lost my way
Somehow I always end up falling over me

And one day
I woke to find
The future had no place
for me
I was unwanted in a world
that with my hands I helped build
Where once was honesty and pride
I now stand broken and alone
Just a shadow
of what I was ment to be

They say that "Time will heal"
"The truth shall set us free"
Well that depends
on what it is
that you choose to believe
In this prison made of lies
We see what it is we want to see
And find comfort in this
broken hall of dreams

Does anybody feel
the way I do?
Is there anybody out there?
Are you hearing me?

I believe in you
Will you believe in me?
Or am I alone
in this hall of dreams?

I believe in you
You believe in me
But I have no trust
in anything
Somehow I'm always
always falling over me

Somehow I'm always
I'm always falling over me !


Rufe meinen Namen, wenn Du an mich denkst. Denn ich bin auf ewig gefangen, hier in der Dunkelheit.

Engel kann man nicht sehen...,aber man kann ihnen begegnen!



VNV-Nation, Virtual-Victim, La Magra, Cephalgy, Black Heaven, Mantus, Sepia, Covenant, Colony 5, Illuminate, The Retrosic, Painbastard, Wynardtage, Schallfaktor, Frozen Plasma, Namnambulu, re:/legion, Feindflug, Funker Vogt, SITD, Code 64, Vicious Alliance, Irrlicht, :SITD:, Dawn of Ashes,Acylum,Stillste Stund, Spetsnaz, Suicide Commando

Suicide Commando - Face of Death (Live)


Stalingrad, Das Boot, Pearl Harbour, Die Brücke von Remagen, Der längste Tag, Eiskalte Engel, Final Destination, The Ring, The Eye, Dead End, Eiskalte Engel.

Bitte weck mich auf
Sag mir ob ich träume
Ob ich wirklich bin
Schenk mir deinen schönsten Tanz
erhöre mich
und halte mich GANZ FEST
schenk mir diesen letzten Kuss
und trage mich
in die Nacht.



The Simpsons, Spongebob, Doku..s, Toto & Harry ;), Stargate, Navy CIS


For my beloved...
It's colder than before
the seasons took all they had come for
now winter dances here
it seems so fitting don't you think?
to dress the ground in white
and grey
it's so quiet I can hear
my thoughts touching every second
that I spent waiting for you
circumstances afford me
no second chance to tell you
how much I've missed you
my beloved do you know
when the warm wind comes again
another year will start to pass
and please don't ask me why I'm here
something deeper brought me
than a need to remember
we were once young and blessed with wings
no heights could keeps us from their reach
no sacred place we did not soar
still greater things burned within us
I don't regret the choices that I've made
I know you feel the same
my beloved do you know
how many times I stared at clouds
thinking that I saw you there
these are feelings that do not pass so easily
I can't forget what we claimed was ours
moments lost though time remains
I am so proud of what we were
no pain remains, no feeling
eternity awaits
grant me wings that I might fly
my restless soul is longing
no pain remains, no feeling
eternity awaits


adopt your own virtual pet!"Dass mir der Hund das Liebste ist, sagst du - o Mensch - sei Sünde; der Hund bleibt mir im Sturme treu, der Mensch nicht mal im Winde." Friedrich Hebbel

My Blog


Ich drücke mein Gesicht gegen das Fenster Meine Augen suchen den Horizont nach dir ab in der Hoffnung, dein Gesicht noch einmal zu sehen Werde ich dir eines Tages nochmal gegenüberstehen? Der Regen sc...
Posted by Orgulas on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 07:37:00 PST

Die Bestie in mir

Schenke mir ein Wort. Nur ein einziges Wort. Es würde meinem Leben endlich wieder einen Sinn geben. Deine Stimme zu hören, würde meinem Herz wieder die Kraft geben, die Einsamkeit zu ertragen. Die Ein...
Posted by Orgulas on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:15:00 PST

Angel of the night

Um mich herum ist es leer Bist gegangen. Ohne ein Wort Auf eine lange Reise Weg von dieser Welt Hast alles hinter dir gelassen Wenn ich nachts die Sterne anschaue, sehe ich das leuchten deiner Augen I...
Posted by Orgulas on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 07:50:00 PST

Der Tanz beginnt...

Die Einsamkeit zog mich zu Dir in einer Nacht voll Finsternis Gedanken hämmern an mein Hirn daß du nicht da sein wirst für mich   und schweissgebadet wachte ich erschrocken auf in meinem Bett die...
Posted by Orgulas on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:32:00 PST

Nur für Dich...

Sage kein Wort Ein Blick in deine Augen sagt mir mehr, als Worte es jemals ausdrücken könnten Je länger ich dir in die Augen schaue, umso mehr vergesse ich um mich herum Ich versinke in deiner Schönhe...
Posted by Orgulas on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:30:00 PST

Die Rose

Eine Rose in der Mitte des Sees So wunderschön, aber unerreichbar Ich lasse mich vorsichtig ins Wasser gleiten Versuche , in deine nähe zu kommen Doch die Wellen die ich schlage, treiben dich immer we...
Posted by Orgulas on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:20:00 PST