Playing the guitar, bar-hopping, NBA, trying to get into shape and remove the black form my lungs, sweet tea, making fun of jimmy.
Tango and/or Cash.
JEBUS!, Beatles, Oasis, the Jam, Paul Weller, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, the SOUNDS!, Arctic Monkeys, the Black Keys, the White Stripes, the Clash, the Stone Roses, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Elvis Costello, the Who, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Modest Mouse, etc.
The Wild Bunch, Godfather I & II, Chinatown, Casablanca, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, any Spaghetti Western, Anchorman, Caddyshack, the Karate Kid, Commando, Roadhouse, any Rocky movie, Superbad, anything with Burt Reynolds.
The Shield, Lost, 24, 30 Rock, the office, Miami Vice, Inside the NBA, Redskins Report, Man vs. Wild, anything with Burt Reynolds.
The Godfather, Huck Finn, Freakanomics, Sex Drugs & Cocoa Puffs, The Butter Battle Book, Why Perestoika Failed, anything with Burt Reynolds.
Paul Weller, Cal Ripken Jr., and my Dad. And Smitty.